FROST WEDGING Physical Weathering


With increasing rain fall and flooding, water gets trapped in between rocks and freezes. These freezes cause rocks to break down further because of the more dense ice. Due to this, rocks are constantly being broken down and creating pot holes or broken rocks.


When rain falls or when streets flood, the water will always seep into any crack it can find. As the temperatures drop and the water within the cracks freeze, the frozen ice breaks down the cracked rock further than before. The ice then melts and when it is melted, the ground is left with gaping holes. Since huge holes are left, they can be very dangerous for driving. The holes can create damage to cars and tires.


There is no way to really prevent frost wedging since it happens naturally. There is a few ways that could lessen the effects of frost wedging. One way would be to fill in the large cracks in in the pavement. Another way to prevent damaging pot holes would be to fill in the large pot holes after the ice is melted. In sum, frost wedging is a natural side effect of weather, physical weathering. There is no way to completely prevent it unless we fill in the damages after they are already done.


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