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University galleries university of florida

Impact Report


RELEVANT AND ENGAGED. The University of Florida University Galleries welcomed students and community members to experience and participate in 11 unique exhibitions that showcased international and diverse artists from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Students gained experiences in all aspects of running and exhibiting in gallery spaces, from curation and installation of artwork, to critical writing and catalog preparation.

“Viewing the organic artworks allowed me to immerse myself into the artist’s mindset and to connect the depth and history within the works.”

—Annick Runyon, undergraduate

UG & Curriculum

CURRICULAR CONNECTIONS. The University Galleries fosters student engagement through various formats that help meet curricular goals through public presentations, master classes, curatorial experience, and gallery management.

“Working with University Gallery has provided me with hands-on experience in organizing an exhibition, showcasing graduate student art, engaging with the local community, and raising public knowledge of art. This practical experience nicely complements the predominately theoretical focus of academic art history.”

—Laura R. Colkitt, PhD Candidate, Art History

The University Galleries serves a variety of campus departments including:

Art History | Harn Museum of Art | Museum Studies | Studio Department | Arts & Medicine | Art Library


Students interacted with the galleries through coursework


Students assisted in managing the galleries as graduate assistants and curators

UG & Public Engagement

PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT. Through artist talks, master classes, and receptions, the University Galleries welcomes the Gainesville and broader communities to interact with and participate in important conversations about the season’s exhibitions.

“By having both an exhibition and parallel lecture for the students to actively engage in, the College of the Arts provides another avenue in which students can expand their knowledge.”

—Vivian Lantow, graduate student

2019-2020 University Galleries Exhibitions

2019-2020 Exhibitions at University Gallery

*Asterisk denotes the exhibitions curated by a student. All exhibitions listed in chronological order.

2100 visitors to the University Galleries in 2019-2020

2019-2020 Exhibitions at the Libby Gallery

  • Tile Exchange Exhibition: Wuhan Textile University and University of Florida
  • Felipe Meres: Global Illumination*
  • Ligature 29
358+ pieces of artwork displayed in 2019-2020

2019-2020 Exhibitions at the Grinter Gallery

  • A Table of Contents by Emmanuel Opoki*
  • Global Culture Photography Exhibition | UF International Center
  • Paleobotany: Reading the Signs*

Public lectures and master classes


“This talk helped provide an important backdrop for what was visible in the University Gallery.... I now want to independently explore the intersections between art history and anthropology concerning intellectual ethics and academic integrity.”

—Ros Fiol, undergraduate

UF University Galleries

Visit the University Galleries online and follow on Instagram.
