Solfege Everyone has to start somewhEre

  • Think-Pair-Share: For 20 seconds, I want you to think to yourself this question. . . What is solfege?
  • For 1 minute, find a partner and discuss your answers to the previous question
  • Share!

Solfege is like turning music to math. Solfege gives each note a specific word. That way, even if you have never seen the music before, you can read it because you have memorized how to be fluent in music, also known as sight singing.

"The use of a seven-note diatonic musical scale is ancient. originally it was played in descending order. In the eleventh century, the m usic theorist Guido of Arezzo developed a six-note ascending scale that went as follows: ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and named the Aretinian syllables after himself."

Begin working on Solfege Worksheet #1 INDEPENDENTLY

Partner up and compare AND correct answers

In your pairs, please begin on Solfege Worksheet #2

Thank you to . . . Hear and Play, Kodaly Materials, Springdale Park Music, Wikipedia, Vermont Public Radio, Key-Notes, Popular theory, and Pinterest for the photos, videos, and resources for information to create this presentation!


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