Black Creek Port Dover

Trip Rating: 4/5 in the spring, 3/5 in the summer.

I am asked often about this trip, probably because Port Dover is such a popular tourist location. The Black Creek and Lynn River are a favourite paddle of mine in the shoulder seasons, they are relatively calm, scenic paddles.

Summer at the Black Creek

In my opinion, I much prefer to do this in the spring when the water level is up and the trees are budding. It also allows much better views of the valley. As an added bonus, it is much less busy than in the summer months when the marina traffic is quite heavy.

Launch Sites:

There are two launch sites, but only one is practical. The launch in town is exceptionally busy with beach goers, and the dock is often covered in goose droppings. The better spot to launch is located just off Concession 2 Woodhouse.

The "better" launch spot.

Trip Length: My favourite way to do this route is to head north from the launch through the conservation area. The creek flows through the Lynn Valley in this stretch and it has moments of great beauty.

Typical creek views in the summer
Carolinian forests surround the creek banks
There are lots of small channels to explore in the spring

Heading back down the creek to marina there is a string of nice cottages followed by a boat graveyard.

The Graveyard
The Marina

Here you can paddle up the Lynn River, or head towards the lake. Both are neat to see, if you make the portage across the road, you can paddle Silver Lake. If you stash your kayak and make a short hie, you can find the Lynn Falls

The Lynn River Bridge Portage. (Mind the car traffic)
Lynn River Falls

You can also head towards the lake.

Highway 6 Drawbridge
Lake Erie. Be careful if you aren't experienced passing this marker

Cost: $0.

The Lynn Valley

Difficulty: In the spring the north section can have rapids as high as class II, if you are paddling upstream from the launch, you will notice a large increase in flow. Don't push it, you can get stuck in the rapids. Otherwise, the river is gentile. Always be sure to wear full safety gear including a PFD.

Created By
Kayak Ontario




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