Bury the knot between the facing and the dress. Stitch 3 times directly at the facing/neckline seam to form a zipper stop.
Whip stitch the fold to the stitching line from the zipper installation.
At the end, tie a knot between the layers to hide it.
Repeat on the opposite side to finish the zipper.
Secured out of the way of the zipper teeth.
Invisible from the outside
Secure facings to arm openings.
To begin, arrange the facing as it will be worn, by pulling the sleeves through the facing arm opening.
You will secure the fold to the sleeve seam allowances.
Secure the seams in the facing to the corresponding seams of the garment.
Start by fastening at seams.
Pin to hold the pressed edge of the facing to the seam allowances.
Pin regularly to hold in place.
Whip stitch the pressed edge to the seam allowances, close to the sleeve seam.
Whip stitch around each arm hole.
Repeat for the remaining arm and your dress is complete!