t is with great pleasure that I present to you the second edition of my photography magazine. Since the first issue, published last April, many things have not changed. Although we have a little more freedom of movement due to the global pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, there are still many restrictions in addition to the care we must take while we are away from home. This has meant that for those of us who like to take pictures we have been more limited to traveling or visiting places for that purpose.
From April to this day, my photography has been limited to three forest parks near my home and to photographing flowers and insects in my backyard.
But not everything is negative, in the month of June God blessed our family with the arrival of our second grandchild, this time a lovely little boy whom we love very much, and I have already had the opportunity to take some pictures of him.
It is my wish that you enjoy the pages of this magazine and as always, if you have comments on some photos or wish to share some ideas, please do not hesitate to write to me at fmontes@laserartgraphics.com, the comments will be very much appreciated.
Until next time and my best wishes to each of you.
Snow in April
Living in or around Chicago, many things are possible, including having snow in April, and this is what we’ve had this year.
“Practicing social distance,” I think is the phrase you hear most often these days. Apparently for some more time, we don’t know how much, we will have to keep that social distance in addition to other precautions because of the virus that is affecting us. Please stay safe and let’s not lose faith that there will be a new sunrise.
Early Morning
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. — Lamentations 3:22–23
In my “Backyard”
Every year beautiful flowers bloom in our garden. Some are perennials that repeat every year, others are sown during the Spring, and occasionally you see some wild flowers that apparently, the seed, is left by some birds. Sometimes I find some fungi, and of course insects. This year there have been very few insects in our garden, or at least they have been hidden from our eyes.
Wild Flowers and Insects
This year I had the opportunity to photograph some wild flowers, it is incredible the variety and beauty among them. I have also had the opportunity to photograph some insects, including two that I have never seen before. A few days ago I was photographing a small insect and so I had the camera very close to it, suddenly I noticed that something had moved to my right and that's when I realized that I had a Praying Mantis next to me. It gave me great joy because I had never seen one in my life. The other was a Robber Fly, which is very small and yet could be described as the Top Gun of the fly world. The Robber Fly has the ability to detect and catch prey from more than half a meter away in less than half a second. And it can do this because of its amazing eyes and its remarkable airborne attack strategy.
Garden Flowers
Wild Life Around Us
Texture photography can be a challenge, as composition, light, and depth work differently than in landscape photography, among others. Texture photography is about patterns, colors and depth, and every detail of a texture plays an important role in the overall perception of the photograph. The combination of these details, interesting patterns, vibrant colors and good depth contributes to a beautiful texture.
Every Sunset is a Surprise
Although we cannot always experience a spectacular sunset, photographically speaking, we can always enjoy a relaxing sunset. The colors and shapes of the clouds always make me think of God's greatness.
The Prince of the Family
Last June God blessed our family with the arrival of little Julian, our second grandchild. Words are not enough to express our joy and how much we love him. Welcome!
©Francisco Montes Photography