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Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) brings together and represents our lands five custodial Ngarda Ngarli; Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera, and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo. Our strategy is to work closely as the traditional Ngarda Ngarli to maintain cohesion and to ensure our programs and outcomes reflect the needs of our community. MAC's mission is to preserve and protect our land, heritage and culture while transforming the lives of our community.

Welcome to our MAC member's newsletter for December.

As the end of the year arrives, I want to take the time to reflect on the last 12 months – as it has certainly been more eventful than we could ever have anticipated.

I definitely consider 2020 to have been a year of achievement for MAC.

One of our biggest success stories is the Murujuga Cultural Landscape being officially added to Australia’s Tentative World Heritage List which means so much to our people and will protect our heritage and country.

The submission was a collective effort achieved between MAC and the State Government, in collaboration with the Australian Government and stakeholders. In 2021 and beyond, we will continue the nomination process through to UNESCO World Heritage List status.

We also revealed to the world Australia’s first underwater Aboriginal archaeological site discovery on Murujuga sea country.

This turned heads around the globe and shone a light on the importance of protecting our heritage, land, sea and culture – in particular for areas that may have development or construction planned.

The relaunch of the MAC Ranger Program has also been inspiring to be a part of, as we work closely with the Circle of Elders to best manage our land and share our knowledge.

The rangers are performing their duties to an excellent standard and we will continue to develop the program and release its full potential next year.

Nganjarli officially reopened and is proving to be very popular with locals and visitors alike. It is the first recreational construction on our National Park and in 2021 we will see major progress on the new Murujuga Tourism Program and Living Centre come to fruition.

Even with Coronavirus (COVID-19) taking the wind out of our sails temporarily and changing the way we operate, there were still a number of positives that emerged for MAC this year due to the pandemic.

The collaboration opportunities, community initiatives and most importantly the resilience of our members, staff and community partners got us through some very hard days and grew new relationships based on caring, trust and understanding. These are moments in time I am thankful we were all in it together.

There are also many more stories of success, strength and genuine care that I look forward to sharing with you when we next see each other.

For now, from the bottom of my heart I thank each of you for the part you play every day in protecting our people, heritage and country. We are only as strong as the people standing next to us – and I am very glad to have our members standing side by side with us every day this year, fighting for our values and what we believe in.

As MAC grows stronger and more strategic in everything we do, in the New Year I encourage you to step up and take part in any new opportunities that arise.

We are working to achieve positive cultural and economic outcomes, and I promise that the more you participate, the more valuable our work will be.

Ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga and stay safe.


Peter Jeffries

CEO, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation

Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation's 2020 AGM

Our Annual General Meeting held on 20 November was a great success! Thank you to everyone who attended.

Elderton Pty Ltd was appointed by MAC members as the auditor for the 2020/2021 Financial Year.

The Annual Report 2019-2020 is now available in print and on our website which includes updates on our members, achievements, key projects and more.

A preview of our recently released Annual Report.

Murujuga Commercial Limited

One of MAC’s strategic goals is to build our commercial footprint and create long term financial sustainability for the organisation in order to maximise value for our members of today and tomorrow.

To do this we have formed Murujuga Commercial Limited which will home the Commercial Unit, a group of companies sitting under MAC which collectively investigate, pursue and operate commercial ventures.

In order to progress this goal, we recently advertised opportunities for individuals with professional skills in governance, commercial development and leadership to submit an expression of interest in joining the Murujuga Commercial Limited Board.

Three types of directors are being recruited; Independent Experts, Community Experts and MAC Board Experts.

Applications officially closed on Monday 14 December. The panel is expected to announce appointments for these positions in early 2021

WA Museum Boola Bardip

Several MAC staff members recently visited the grand opening of WA Museum Boola Bardip.

The exhibition allows visitors to experience Murujuga for themselves through realistic projections of petroglyphs onto man-made rocks within the museum. The exhibition also features breathtaking panoramic scans of Murujuga land and sea country and plays an important role in educating the public about the richness of our culture.

The museum is offering free admission until approximately June 2022. Click here to book online now.

MAC staff during their recent visit to WA Museum Boola Mardip. Photo credit: Centre for Rock Art Research & Management.

World Heritage Update

The Heritage Committee and Interagency Taskforce meet every quarter to oversee the progress of the Murujuga World Heritage nomination and to contribute to content and facilitate further engagement opportunities with members and other stakeholders. The last meeting was held on Monday 30 November.

Drafting of the nomination dossier is ongoing. Community Engagement plans are being revised and updated in response to COVID-19 and the current stage of drafting.

Business & Employment Development Unit

The BEDU recently welcomed Carly as our new Business & Employment Liaison Officer. Her role is to support the growth of businesses and achieve positive employment outcomes for members. Carly will also further develop relationships and networks with external stakeholders that support opportunities for MAC members.

As part of our role to support members, BEDU has been busy performing audits on MAC relevant businesses and updating our registers in preparation for exciting new events and industry exhibitions in 2021.

We are also consistently working with industry partners to seek out new opportunities for MAC members and we look forward to sharing more updates on this with you in the new year.

MAC Member Business Listing launching in the New Year!

We’re currently preparing a register of businesses owned and managed by individuals who are from our five language groups and will publish this as a reference tool on our website. The list will also be provided to industry partners and government agencies in the region. Currently we have 49 businesses on the register. To register your business or a business you know, please email

Future Forum

MAC Chairperson Vince Adams, along with Jo McDonald, Director of the Centre for Rock Art Research & Management at UWA, recently gave a presentation called ‘Managing Murujuga for the Future’ at the 2020 Future Forum held in Fremantle (Perth), WA.

The forum brought together First Nations people, Traditional Owners and custodians, representative bodies, industry, consultants, researchers, politicians, government representatives and other parties to explore and discuss what the future of Aboriginal heritage management could look like in Western Australia.

NAIDOC Week events

Staff from MAC had a great time participating in the local NAIDOC events which included attending;

  • Welcome to Country breakfast at Woodside and Yara
  • Market stalls at REAP for IBN NAIDOC celebrations
  • Karratha Senior High School on the green NAIDOC celebration

Thank you to those who were involved in the logistics of setting up the events and recognising the importance of NAIDOC week.

NAIDOC 2020 - Always Was, Always Will Be.

MAC rangers attending NAIDOC week events.

Murujuga Community Bird Watching Event

On Saturday 31 October, MAC co-hosted a free community bird event with Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service, Woodside Energy, Yara Pilbara and Pilbara Ports Authority.

Over 40 participants enjoyed three different tours around Hearson Cove (two focused on bird watching with guides from the Broome Bird Observatory, and one focused on a mini 30 minute guided tour at Nganjarli).

Participants from the Murujuga community bird watching event.

Murujuga Rangers

Rangers joined Yara’s scientific and heritage experts recently to conduct rock art monitoring at sites around Yara as part of a knowledge sharing program initiated by Yara Pilbara. World-recognised expert Dr Ian MacLeod shared knowledge on tests used to monitor pH levels and microbial activity on the surface of the rocks.

MAC rangers with Dr Ian MacLeod. Photo credit: Yara Pilbara.

MAC Rangers Leanne and Dale proudly presented an award for Aboriginal Achievement at Baynton West Primary school on their graduation night held on Friday 4 December.

Rock Art Tours

We have recently introduced a new and improved rock art tour at Nganjarli.

During November we delivered 13 rock art tours - despite the hot weather!

Rangers have developed four unique cultural awareness program presentations, each designed to deliver cultural awareness to different age groups.

So far, four schools and four industry groups have been presented with the new cultural awareness presentations and the feedback we received on the new format was excellent!

MAC ranger Sarah with the artwork that was gifted to MAC following a presentation at Tambrey Pre-Primary School.

Industry and Community News

Are you a motivated local indigenous person who is passionate about our region’s cultural heritage and wants to learn important new skills whilst developing a strong connection with the land and sea? MAC currently have a position vacant for a a Ranger based in Dampier on a full-time basis. Indigenous Rangers will work closely with Traditional Owners, the Circle of Elders and the Department of Parks and Wildlife to care for Murujuga National Park and surrounding country, and deliver important priorities and outcomes. Click here to learn more and apply.

Woodside has recently sponsored a Karratha Local Jobs Portal, available to all businesses in the City of Karratha. The portal advertises employment and training opportunities at Woodside-operated facilities, before considering FIFO workers. MAC members are encouraged to register their details and CV by clicking here.

Register your details with Programmed to receive an alert when the next recruitment drive is advertised. You can find out more information and register here.

Perpetual, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and Australian Scholarships Foundation (ASF) have scholarships available for Indigenous leaders to attend a Company Directors Course for Indigenous Business Leaders in Perth in April 2021. Applications close on Wednesday 3 February. Click here to apply.

MAC Member Reminders

Our offices are closed from Monday 21 December 2020 and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2021.

If you have an urgent enquiry or emergency during the holiday break, please call our office on 08 9144 4112 and follow the answering message prompts.

ARE YOUR MEMBER DETAILS UP TO DATE? Click here to update them now so we can send you important news and opportunities.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and progressive passage into the New Year.

For all the latest MAC news and updates click here.

Stay safe and look after each other

Office Address: 313 King Bay Road, Dampier, WA 6713

Postal Address: PO Box 1544, Karratha, WA 6714

Email: | Phone: +61 8 9144 4112
