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2017 UW | Bothell ELearning Symposium Learning Everywhere!

On the fence about attending the eLearning Summer Symposium?

Let this convince you.

This year, we will hear from 5 different speakers who will be joining us locally and from different parts of the world! Our lineup includes:

Alan Levine

Alan has worked in the place where educational institutions meet technology for a long time. These days he does some freelance teaching, some academic consulting, and many workshops with academics.

Alan writes about technology, teaching, and the internet. Here is his professional resume.

Alan takes photographs.

Ursula Valdez

Ursula says, "I encourage student’s engagement, by providing opportunities for students to explore in their own interests related to the class and always incorporate the impact that natural sciences have in other disciplines or vice versa. Students in my classes not only learned from the information and exercises I provide, but also from extensive literature searches that support their learning. Assignments in my courses involved the production of strong evidence-based work and the production of reports that accurately communicate science to a large range of public audiences. In some of my pre-major courses, I introduce the use of creative ways to learn and communicate science. My students use their creative and artistic skills or gain new ones to demonstrate what they learn on the topics covered in class."

Dr. Vivien Rolfe

Vivien is a champion of Learning and Teaching innovation and practice through being committee member of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, and also through working with the Association of Learning Technology (ALT), the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Jisc.

She closely follows Higher Education policy and participates in consultations and work groups. She is passionate about open education and has grown research profiles at three UK universities. At De Montfort, she led the academic community in enhancing their curricula and approaches through embedding open practice, and such work has had a sustained impact on staff and student experience several years on.

Vivien on the web is here. Her research is here

Greg Tuke

Greg is a Fulbright Fellow and teaches courses focused on contemporary social problems in a global context within the Pre-major program at the University of Washington-Bothell. His expertise is in designing courses so that students acquire a more complex understanding of global issues through problem-solving directly with other university students living in other countries. He has traveled extensively, working with students and faculty across the world, including India, Iraq, Peru, South Africa, Morocco and Vanuatu. He specializes in helping students dramatically improve their ability to communicate effectively using student-produced videos and live video conferencing across cultures.

Christina Hendricks

Christina teaches Philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is also the Deputy Academic Director of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology there. She is an advocate for and has published on open education, including the use and creation of open educational resources like open textbooks. She is also currently learning about inclusive and universal design to make sure her teaching is as inclusive and accessible as possible.

She writes about the work she does:

She writes here.

And she shares that information here.

Also Included in the Day

The opportunity to share tools, ideas, and resources during our round table lunch. This year we are excited to have:

Ana Thompson (UDAL)

Natalia Dyba (COIL)

Katy Cook (Bridging Online and In-Person Learning)

Dan Bustillos (Storytelling as Course Design)

Ursula Valdez (Social Media)

Greg Tuke (COIL/Zoom)


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