Day one didn't show a lot of progress. Coach G taught me how to get that little stub off my stick and told me to watch my angles. It is definitely harder than it seems, hopefully taking off the bark will be the hardest part. I doubt it though, Coach G taught us to push down on the exacto knife with our thumbs a little bit and then get under the bark and push. Let's hope day two has some better progress.
It is definitely hard. My stick has thin bark, but thick wood, so it is very hard to take the bark off. Coach G was giving me some tips and they became very useful. I can't wait to start on the actually carving.
I am starting to see a lot of progress. Coach G. told me to push down and then push out, and that seemed to work better. I can actually see the stick turning out how I want it to. I'm super excited. After I get all the bark off I am going to start making the call at the top.
I feel like i'm making progress most definitely.
I am so excited I got the bark off. It took me forever. My stick is a little dry and the bottom of it is cracking.. so i'm going to cut it off. Good thing I made it long in case this happened.
I tried using the rotary tool, but it wasn't working so well with my stick. So instead of that I think i'm going to paint it on with white or light grey paint. I'm starting off with just painting it black right now. I rounded it out a little but I think i'm just going to leave it. I think it looks good the way it is.
I started painting the top a dark purple so that it contrast the black. I tried to give it the ombré affect so i blended it down with a light coat.
I started painting the lollipops, but I haven't finished yet.
I have finished he lollipops and I think it looks better than the rotary tool.
I added clear coat and now i'm done. This is my final product.