
DCCCA 2017 Annual Report Fiscal Year 2017

Providing social and community services to improve the safety, health, and well-being of those we serve.

Our mission guides our outcomes.

We dedicate ourselves to improving lives: we help set the conditions where clients, families, and communities can improve the safety, health, and well-being of their lives.

Values, quite simply, inform our thoughts, words and actions. Our values fuel our passion and motivate us in our work every day.

When we are guided by our values, the decision we make every day will reflect what we believe in, we make a deliberate choice to focus on the most important actions that will help our organization achieve its goals. Those values reflect how we conduct ourselves in service to our clients, to our families, and to our communities.

FY 2017 DCCCA Board of Directors

Pat Slabaugh, President

Nikki White, Vice President

Chris Caldwell, Secretary

Jeff Davis, Treasurer

  • Dorothy Devlin, LMSW
  • Rodney Bishop, M.D.
  • Howard Ebmeier, Ph.D.
  • Donna Horner-Queal
  • Morris D. Faiman, Ph.D.
  • Henry Buck, M.D.
  • Chuck Heath
  • Krystal Butell
  • Sheila Vander Tuig
  • Ernesto T. Hodison
  • John J. Monaghan, Jr.




This is the heart of why we do what we do.

Everyone who receives services from DCCCA brings with them their own unique experiences and history. We embrace the diversity that comes from unique experiences and believe that results come when we leverage that diversity of experiences to set the environment for improving lives.

The communities with which we work in prevention and traffic safety bring their culture and pride to the work. We use those experiences to strengthen the preventative efforts they develop to improve their communities.

Clients come with experience and history that influences how they might pursue their individual recovery efforts.

Our foster families bring their experiences and culture to the forefront to provide a nurturing environment in which foster children can thrive.

While we embrace and respect the experiences of those we serve, we also value the individual experiences and influences our staff bring to our work and leverage the passion they bring to improve our services.

This diversity in those we serve and those who provide the services spur us to collective accomplishments as individuals, as communities, as families, and as an agency.


The substance use disorder treatment programs served 2,654 individuals in FY17, including 96 children who lived with their mothers at First Step at Lake View and Women's Recovery Center

135 individuals received outpatient mental health services

77% of clients successfully completed residential treatment

93% of clients who completed satisfaction surveys were satisfied/very satisfied with their DCCCA experience and,

78% described DCCCA as better than previous treatment

  • DCCCA Pratt and Elm Acres Recovery Services added adult Intensive Outpatient Services in FY17
  • Douglas County collaboration conversations resulted in agreements to fund two new projects in Lawrence – women’s jail re-entry continuum, and social detox access

We do not measure success solely on the traditional scale of treatment completion, but with evidence based indicators of functional improvement. Based on client surveys completed:

  • 93% were satisfied/very satisfied with their DCCCA experience
  • 78% described DCCCA as better than previous treatment
  • Family relationships were better for 82%
  • Mental health was better for 78%
  • Physical health was better for 71%
  • 70% of clients utilizing the myStrength app reported a decrease in depression, 46% reported a decrease in anxiety


CPA supported 459 licensed foster homes in FY17 that provided homes for 1364 children.


Tallgrass Family Services provided support to 329 licensed foster homes in FY17 and placed 815 children in those homes.

78 children were served in the Connections program in 38 DCCCA CPA homes

52 children in High Needs placement were cared for in 30 DCCCA CPA homes

30 children were adopted into DCCCA foster homes in 2017.

All of DCCCA's programs have a dedication to providing service based on research and best practice.

Our traffic safety programs in both Kansas and Oklahoma use proven practices to reduce traffic fatalities.

In prevention, our staff use the Strategic Prevention Framework and national best practices to shape action in communities to reduce substance abuse, suicide and problem gambling, and promoting mental health .

Our treatment programs incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing among other best practices to assist our clients in finding recovery.

Our child placing staff use evidence based training, such as Together Facing the Challenge, to provide support for our foster families.

In addition, our finance, technology, and human resources departments are guided by best practices in their respective fields. Being guided by best practice DCCCA holds to the fidelity of those practices so the likelihood of improving lives increases.


KTSRO distributed more than 550,000 brochures and materials across the state of Kansas and saw 180,484 visits to our website in FY17.

KTSRO jumped into social media this year and has built a Facebook following of 4000 fans, Twitter with 20,518 followers and at times reaching over 250,000 people with our messaging.

Traffic Safety training and education has begun to take hold with not only in-person trainings but has increased to over 2000 individuals trained via online trainings.

Dodge City Child Passenger Safety Class

We continue to coordinate the Child Passenger Safety Programming around the state training and updating over 400 technicians and maintaining 600+ technicians around the state. We continue to operate 125 Child Passenger Safety Stations for Kansas to have their car seats checked for proper installation. The stations have checked over 1200 seats and distributed 1700 seats to low income families across the state.

The Kansas Senate voted 32-7 for passage of Senate Bill 89 which among other provisions increased the seat belt fine from $10 to $30. The new law directs $20 from each violation fine to go to the Seat Belt Safety Fund which can be used to expand SAFE and youth traffic safety programs in the state. DCCCA will manage these new funds.

SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) continues to grow and was at 150 schools in 64 Kansas counties. The program was chosen by the Governor's Highway Safety Association to be highlighted in a research report on the top teen traffic safety programs around the U.S.

Cassandra Love receives a check for OK SAFE from State Farm Insurance during the Oklahoma Teen Conference

In Oklahoma, nine schools implemented SAFE during the fiscal year and we received notification of a grant renewal for 2018. The first Oklahoma Teen Conference was also held and renewed for FY18. Missouri SAFE continued this year in three new schools in Southwest Missouri.

KTSRO has worked with employers across the state education them on the importance of traffic safety in the workplace. The Governors Highway Safety Association, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the National Employers Traffic Safety Association has asked us to pilot a project targeting employers over the next year.

DCCCA received notification of the renewal of the KTSRO contract for another 5 years.

DCCCA Traffic Safety Staff

Anyone can lead anywhere, anytime.

This value empowers staff to exercise leadership where and when it is needed to help set the conditions for improving lives. We face challenging conditions in regard to maintaining funding, reaching outcomes, and measuring results. Those conditions drive us to be innovative in our work.

We partner with our clients, families, and communities to explore options to address those issues that face us. We seek new ways to stretch ourselves and those we serve so we can continue to grow as professionals and as individuals. Through that growth we confront the challenges we face so we can learn more to assist those we serve.

Learning and leadership set the context for new ideas and new approaches in our programs as well as in our management of facilities, technology, human resources, finance, and quality improvement.

  • 57 percent of staff logged on to the Your Leadership Edge Portal in FY17
  • 23 staff completed their Leadership Certificate through the Kansas Leadership Center. This includes 25 hours of leadership training.
  • 17 staff engaged in a leadership intensive, DCCCA LEAD, to build internal capacity for leadership development opportunities

This value reminds us all why we are here.

By delivering research based programs while valuing diversity and challenging the conditions under which we serve, we know we must strive to deliver high quality services every day.

We want to be the agency of choice in a competitive environment. At the end of the day, results matter. Our quality improvement efforts become critical in helping us to continue to improve our work.

Being accountable drives us toward better performance. With each piece of evaluation, we learn more about how to deliver high quality services that will give us the results we seek... improving lives.


Behavioral Health Training and Technical Assistance (BHTTA)

709 contacts were made with community coalitions in FY17 to provide support for completing comprehensive strategic planning focused on substance abuse prevention, mental health promotion, suicide prevention and problem gambling prevention.

e-Learning modules and Toolkits were created to train, support, and provide resources to the community prevention coalitions in Kansas.

From their launch in December until the end of FY17:

  • e-Learning modules were viewed 610 times
  • Toolkits received 239 views

Kansas Partnerships For Success

In our efforts to reduce the incidence of prescription drug misuse and abuse among Kansas individuals ages 12-25 the Kansas PFS team:

  • Developed a data collection pilot in collaboration with the Kansas City Metro Methadone Program to gather data about early opioid use and targeting early prevention efforts
  • Established the Kansas Prescription Drug and Opioid Advisory Committee to develop a strategic plan to address the opioid issue

Oklahoma Partnerships For Success

Working with a local community coalition we developed a strategic plan to address the incidence of prescription drug misuse and abuse among individuals ages 12 -25 in Oklahoma County.

DCCCA delivered training to providers on Oklahoma Prescribing Guidelines and facilitated two community forums to raise community awareness on prescription drug misuse.

This year DCCCA PFS teams designed protocols for safe disposal of medication pilot projects in both Kansas and Oklahoma.

The Prevention team partnered with the City of Wichita to engage youth in foster care in two arts-based prevention projects.

Using art as outreach for youth in foster care, the finished artwork and photography were displayed at CityArts in Wichita through the month of December.

The second session of the YES art program was a collaborative work between Middle Schoolers in the YES art program and children receiving treatment at Wesley Children's Hospital

The finished piece was displayed at CityArts prior to the artwork's installation at the KU Pediatric Hematology/Oncology office at Wesley Children's Hospital.

Our values shape our identity as an organization. As we seek to embody these values each day, our aim becomes focused on providing the absolute best services to our clients, families, and communities. Our passion and dedication fueled by our values make DCCCA the best place to work and serve those in need of our services. Our staff embrace these values and live them as they set their sights on IMPROVING LIVES.

~ Lori Alvarado, DCCCA CEO

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