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I-Connect A Data Driven Self-Monitoring Application & Intervention

Teaching individuals how to monitor their own behavior is a practice that has been taught traditionally using pencil and paper. The I-Connect Application & Intervention digitizes the process and takes self-monitoring to the next level by enabling users to monitor their behavior in real time.

I-Connect Application User Experience

Log in using credentials assigned by mentor.

Select "My Monitor" to begin self-monitoring.

Select one of the 4 locations to monitor in. If you are unable to select a location, this is because you mentor hasn't set up a sub location yet.

Select a custom sub-location to begin monitoring.

Select chime, vibrate or flash for your self-monitoring notification. Select start monitoring to start the timer!

Your device will either chime, vibrate or flash and this is what a self-monitoring question will pop up like. Answer yes or no by tapping it with your finger.

Setting Up User Accounts

Set Location, engagement prompte, & monitoring interval.

Add stakeholders, these individuals are able to access user's charts and see their progress.

I-Connect Charts

Viewing user charts-- select what you want to view.

I-Connect Bar Charts

I-Connect Line Graphs

Get Started Using I-Connect Today!

Step 1: Take the Readiness Assessment

Step 2: Register & Create User Accounts

Step 3: Download I-Connect


Kajsa Mullenix-Mohammed

The University of Kansas

Juniper Gardens Children's Project



Research Conducted by Dr. Howard Wills, the University of Kansas

Funded by The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

This website was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H327S170001. Carlene Reid serves as the Project Officer. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this website is intended or should be inferred.

Created By
Kajsa Mullenix-Mohammed