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Thunderbird June-July, 2020 newsletter

Upcoming Dates at a Glance

More information regarding these events can be found below with links. All events are subject to change with COVID -19 restrictions, but are still on the calendar at the time of publishing this newsletter.

  • Deadline for STEM Fair registration..................July 8
  • YPT virtual training July......................................July 11
  • Hazardous Weather Training...............................July 12
  • Virtual Cub Scout Training.................................July 14 and 16
  • Eagle Board of Review.........................................July 21
  • Popcorn Sale Training begins...............................July 27
  • Roundtable/Kick Off .........................................August 3
  • Hazardous Weather Training..............................August 6
  • Venturing/SeaScout dinner.................................August 9
  • YPT virtual training August...............................August 13
  • Popcorn Show-and-Sell Orders due.....................August 15
  • District Committee/Commissioner Mtng...........August 17
  • Eagle Board of Review.........................................August 18
  • Virtual New Den Leader Meeting......................August 27
  • Unit Show and Sell Pick Up................................Sept 3-5
  • Roundtable...........................................................Sept 14
  • Eagle Board of Review.........................................Sept 15
  • District Committee/Commissioner Mtng...........Sept 21

You can still get out and enjoy camps this summer! The Outdoor Family Experience is a safe and socially distant way to camp this summer. Whether you choose an overnight campsite ($25 per family, per night), a Day Pass ($10 per family, per day), or a cabin (price varies by cabin), your family will have access to hiking, fishing, and other natural features of camp. Additional staffed programs like boating and horseback rides will be available for additional fees at certain camps. You can see all the available activities and options in the registration. Click here for link to Outdoor Family Experience

District News:

Goodbye to 2 dedicated scouters

We are very sorry to see 2 great scouters leave us recently. Al Unger, who was in a bad car accident with his brother and had injuries too great to overcome passed away on June 25th. Ron Hetz was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer early this year that metastasized to his brain. After battling for months, he passed away on June 26th. Both men were awarded the Thunderbird District Award of Merit, contributing to the district in so many ways and we are grateful for their time, passion and energy.

Al Unger: Al was a good friend and a dedicated Scouter. Al was affiliated with troop 16 at St. Cecilia until it folded. He was also on the district committee as a member of training staff for 20 years, on the eagle board of review for 25 years [chairman for three years], advancement chairman and merit badge counselor for astronomy and railroading merit badges. He LOVED talking about trains and his life on the railroad. He LOVED Astronomy. When he had the opportunity to share a campfire with Scouts, he'd often talk with the guys about the heavens. He was old-school for sure, no app on his phone to pick out the constellations. He'd talk your ear off if you let him. We could always count on seeing him on the Catholic Retreats each fall and helping where needed with various troops and workshops. Al also was a dedicated Arrowman, and wanted to do what he could for the Order of the Arrow. He was awarded the Silver Beaver in 2010 for his dedication and contribution of time and talent to our youth. (Thank you to Steve Fonad and Michael Lohff for sharing)

Al Unger

Ron Hetz: Ron was described as a "scouter's scouter". He served as Cub and Scout master of Pack 34 and Troop 34. He was also associated with Troop and Crew 51. Ron was a 50+ year member of the Horse Trail Guides horsemanship program. He led youth on day rides to week-long, 100-mile “long” rides, and drove wagon teams at Beaumont Scout Reservation. He volunteered his time and skills to the Boy Scout Council after he retired. In addition to horsemanship, he brought his love of fishing to scouting, volunteering as a Canoe Guide with his son, son-in-law and friends during spring and fall weekends at S-Bar-F Scout Ranch and teaching fishing at summer camporees. Even in the final year of his earthly life Ron patiently mentored his grandson in knot-tying and helped him and fellow scouts earn their “whittling chip”. Ron was awarded the Silver Beaver in 1984. Ron has been a mentor to many scouters and he will be missed.

Ron Hetz
Summer Camp Refund Process

To facilitate the 2020 Summer Camp refund process, there are two distinctly different processes. One is for CUB SCOUTS and the other is for SCOUTS BSA and Venturing

The process will begin on May 26th, when you will receive an email inviting you to complete an online form regarding how you would like your 2020 camp registration and fees processed. To complete that form, please have your registration number(s) available. Once you have submitted the form, a member of our council staff will process your registration and fees based on your selections. If needed, you may be contacted to confirm your requests.

Open registration for 2021 summer camp will open on July 13*, 2020 at 9:00 AM for 2021 Scouts BSA and Venturing Summer Camps. Please note this is the new date for open registration and takes the place of the previously advertised date of September 14, 2020. Units that opt to not keep their 2021 reservation for the same week, camp, and campsite may select a new week and camp at this time. (*Note: this is a change from the original July 1 date)

It's Popcorn Time!

The council is hard at work planning the 2020 popcorn sale. GSLAC and Pecatonica are working on a variety of ways to execute an awesome sale during these abnormal times. I want to reassure you that we are going to make sure we give you the tools and plan to keep all of your scout families safe. If you are returning as the kernel you will have to set up a new popcorn username and passcode. Registration is open; click here to register.

Activities and Camping

Have fun Fishing!

Pack 110 and Troop 181 are using social distancing to go have some fun fishing. As you can see, some of them will need to tell some tales to make those fish bigger!!

Scouts from Troop 181 and Pack 110 fishing for fun
Cub Scout Summer Camp Kit

The Cub Scout Summer Camp Kit is designed for you and your family to continue Scouting in the summer of 2020. Here is what you can expect:

  • Safe, socially distant, at-home activities (or close by in your neighborhood)
  • Fun for the family to participate in together
  • Tons of educational STEM activities
  • Earn Cub Scout Advancements! Including up to two STEM NOVAs!
  • Online how-to videos of how to do select activities
  • Interact with Camp Staff during weekly Campfire Chats
  • Activities include commonly found household items (if you purchase a kit, many of the supplies are provided for you!)
  • Jurassic Explorers Themed Activities
  • Purchased Kits available starting June 1st! We will email and confirm with you closer to the date.
  • Click here for more information and to sign up!

National Camp-In Patch is in!

The BSA National Camp-In was an amazing experience! What would any Scouting event be without a patch? Check out the special Limited Edition National Camp-In patch. Make sure to reserve your patch while you still can. Patches $ 2.99 each.

Scoutfest 2020

"ScoutFest will not be cancelled. It is with great disappointment we announce the difficult decision to postpone ScoutFest2020 until October 1-3, 2021. By postponing the event, we can follow through on our promise to deliver a spectacular event with once-in-a-lifetime experiences for Scouts and families. All existing registrations will be automatically transferred to the 2021 date. Refunds are available for those who cannot attend the new date by request to We look forward to celebrating Scouting together in October 2021!

Go on-line to and complete your registration for ScoutFest.

Advancement and Recognition

Eagle Scout

Congratulations to Noah Vanous, Troop 4, St. Gabriel, was just approved as Thunderbird's newest Eagle Scout!!

Eagle Board Meetings

We will still meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but will do so remotely. "Remotely" does necessitate the Scout to physically mail or electronically mail Eagle paperwork to Chris Hohn, Eagle Chair, so the paperwork is in his possession two days before the meeting. The Board will then proceed with its usual approval process, although remotely. Chris Hohn can be contacted at:

The Boy Scouts of America stated earlier this month that the organization would create a “diversity and inclusion” merit badge and make earning it a requirement of becoming an Eagle Scout. There is much work to be done, but we will keep you updated. Those working on Eagle now should not be affected since it will take some time before the merit badge is in place and counselors are approved.

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Opportunities

There are Lots of Virtual Badge Opportunities!!

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts


Venturing and Sea Scouting Celebration Dinner August 9th

Please plan to join with all of Venturing and Sea Scouting in the Greater Saint Louis Area Council as we look back over the past year.

All in Venturing and Sea Scouting, as well as friends and family, are invited to attend.

The Ranger, Quest, TRUST, Summit, Sea Scout Quartermaster, Venturing Leadership, Sea Scout Leadership awards will be presented, and the Venturing Pathfinder and Discovery will be recognized.

The Ranger, Quest, TRUST, Summit, Pathfinder, Discovery, and Sea Scout Quartermaster awards need to be filed with the Council Office by submitting an Advancement Form by June 30, 2020, to be recognized at the Celebration Dinner.

Event cost is $18 by July 31, 2020. August 1 until the day of the event, it is $20.

The event will be held at Manchester United Methodist Church 129 Woods Mill Rd, Ballwin, MO 63011

For more information and to register, go to:


STEM Summer Programs

Calling all Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers! Conduct your own experiment from home and have it judged by STEM experts in a virtual competition. Register for free. Deadline for registration is July 8th. Project deadline is July 17th. List all youth participants in the project. Every participant will receive an event patch. For more information click here.


2020 Cub Scout Camp NOVA - 7/20/2020 - 7/23/2020 - Cancelled

Scouts BSA STEM week - 7/19/2020 - 7/25/2020 - Cancelled

Ranken Summer Adventure Academies - Check out Ranken’s Summer Adventure Academies for rising middle and high school students! Students get fun, hands-on experiences with technology, and learn about career paths in technical industries.

The state of Missouri has issued specific mandates and guidelines for public events and the venues where these events take place. Ranken Technical College intends to uphold those guidelines for our student population and all visitors at all three of our locations. As these mandates require social distancing, limited sharing of materials and equipment, face masks, food service restrictions, constant disinfecting of equipment and shared spaces, and more, we feel compelled to inform registrants for the 2020 Summer Adventure Academies, that many of our summer camps scheduled for July 13-17 and July 20-24, 2020 are being cancelled.

There are virtual camps being offered. If the virtual camp you’ve chosen shows (0 remaining), please contact Kristie Sissom, to check on availability go to:


Adult leaders in units are considered trained, and eligible to wear the official Trained emblem, once they have completed Youth Protection Training and the training courses pertaining to your role. For more information, visit

2020 Cub Scout Leader Training - Virtual

Join a live trainer in a virtual meeting via Zoom. This will be a 2 day training for 2 hours each day on July 14th and 16th. At the end of both sessions your training record will be updated to reflect completed training for Den Leader, Committee Challenge, and Cubmaster.

When you sign up you are signing up for both classes. Attendance of both classes is required to receive class credit.

2020 Youth Protection Training- Virtual

True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety.

Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers. It is a joining requirement, and continued membership requires that it be retaken every two years.

2020 Hazardous Weather Training- Virtual

This is a required training for all Cubmasters and ACM, Den Leaders and ADL, Scoutmasters and ASM, and Advisors and AA for Crews, Exploring, Sea Scouts.

Hazardous Weather Training is being offered as a virtual training with a live trainer via Zoom. The day before the session you will be sent an email with the link and codes to join the meeting. You will be required to use the video feature of zoom to attend the class. Here are the links to sign up - there are workshops in both July and August to choose from:

I am a New Den leader Now What - Virtual

Join a live trainer in a virtual meeting to learn more about your new role as a Den Leader. There are 3 dates to choose from: Thursday, August 27th at 7:00pm, Saturday, September 26th at 10.00am, Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00pm. Click here for more information and to sign up.

Wood Badge

Wood Badge is the premiere adult leadership training program of the Boy Scouts of America and is recognized by Scouting organizations world wide. The purpose of Wood Badge is to help you develop many new leadership skills and techniques in order to deliver the highest quality Scouting program and stronger leadership for America. Participants in Wood Badge attend a five-day course. This is offered in two sessions of 3 days the first weekend and 2 days the second weekend: Aug. 21-23, and Sept. 5-6, or Aug. 28-30 and Sept. 19-20.

  • For more information and to register for the first session (Spring session), click here.
  • For the second session (Fall session) click here

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
