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I am pleased with the progress made as we continued to coordinate the regional response guided by the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF) on HIV and AIDS 2014-2018. We have embarked on a number of new and strategic innovations that have been successful. Aligned to PANCAP's Justice for All Programme, we continue to successfully engage diverse communities in the region so as to eliminate stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS and uphold the human rights and dignity of all. To this end, we have convened successful dialogues with the faith community, parliamentarians, civil society and youth. We continued to underscore the central role of National AIDS Programme Managers in the response and the importance of multi-stakeholders engagement.

This has been another rewarding and successful year for the partnership. We continued to report on reducing new infections, we have tested and placed more people on highly active antiretroviral therapy and AIDS related deaths further declined. I am extremely proud that we continued to lead in the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis. We have built on the momentum created with Cuba becoming the first country in the world to be certified in 2015 and in 2017, six other Caribbean territories have achieved elimination status.

I wish to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to our donors, technical partners, civil society representatives, people living with and affected by HIV, service providers and all stakeholders of PANCAP for your engagement in the response. I look forward to another year of productive engagement with greater impact as we collectively work towards achieving the 90-90-90 goals by 2020 and ending AIDS in our region by 2030.

Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I present to you, some key highlights of 2017.

Mr. Dereck Springer- PANCAP Director



The Priority Areas Coordinating Committee (PACC) is pleased to have played its part towards the achievements of the Partnership in 2017. Our primary role was to monitor the implementation of the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF). We note that although there has been progress, there are still many areas that have not advanced as expected, primarily because of funding constraints. This being the final year of the (2014-2018) CRSF, PACC will be conducting its evaluation to enable a more detailed review of the HIV situation and to define the priorities for the future.

The PACC also played a critical technical advisory role to PANCAP’s Director, and the Partnership as a whole. Consequently, when the Executive Board indicated the need to review operations due to the challenges being faced, the PACC led the assessment of PANCAP. In light of the ensuing report, the Board decided that the best way forward was for PANCAP to Streamline and Refocus its operations. We now plan to meet to discuss and make recommendations to the Board as to exactly how the Partnership should be streamlined and refocussed.

During 2017, the PACC also provided critical oversight of the various projects that PANCAP was managing such as the Global Fund grant, the Knowledge for Health (K4H) and Local Capacity Initiative (LCI). We also have a role in leading the resource mobilization efforts of PANCAP and was at the forefront in the preparation of grant proposals.

I am grateful for the support of the members of the PACC and all other partners in 2017 and look forward to more of the same in 2018, as we continue the march towards an AIDS-free Caribbean by 2030.

Dr. Donald Simeon, Chair of the PACC


The HIV epidemic in the Caribbean has been stable over the last decade with a reported prevalence of 1.3% and an estimated 310,000 people living with the disease at the end of 2016. Five countries in the Caribbean accounted for the majority (92%) of infections. These are Haiti (48%), Dominican Republic (22%), Jamaica (10%), Cuba (8%) and Trinidad and Tobago (4%). Some epidemiological trends are:

  • Reduction in HIV incidence by 49% through 2014, and maintaining the annual number of new infections among adults at an estimated 17,000 [15,000–22,000] as reported in 2016.Incidence is estimated 0.82 per 1,000 population.
  • A decrease in new infections among children (aged 0–14 years) by 44% between 2010 and 2016, from an estimated 1,800 [1,500–2,200] in 2010 to fewer than 1,000 [<1,000–1,000] in 2016.
  • A 55% reduction of AIDS-related deaths from 2000 to 2016, from an estimated 21,000 [16,000–26,000] in 2000 to an estimated 9,400 [7,300–12,000] in 2016.
  • At the end of 2016, almost two-third (64%) - an estimated 199,000 of the total 310,000 people living with HIV in the Caribbean knew their HIV status, compared with 54% in 2015.
  • More than half (52%) of Caribbean people living with HIV were on treatment in 2016 up from 24% in 2010. Among those who know their status, 81% are on treatment.
  • At the end of 2016, two- third ( 67% ) of all people on antiretroviral treatment are virally suppressed. At least three of four people on treatment achieving viral suppression in Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Saint. Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago (2016).
  • Access to antiretroviral therapy for mother to child transmission has steadily increased over a six-year period, from 32% in 2010 to 90% in 2015.
  • In April 2015, Cuba became the first country in the world to achieve the target for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and congenital Syphilis. In December 2017, six countries joined Cuba.

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis have eliminated mother to child transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis

For a summary of the 90-90-90 continuum of care for the region, click on the short video.



PANCAP formed a partnership with Caribbean Faith Leaders to host a consultation on ending HIV and AIDS in February 2017 in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The consultation agreed that it was imperative that faith leaders lead the process in making decisions about the way forward for the religious community in contributing to the end of AIDS by 2030. The consultation focused on the contributions that Faith Leaders can make toward ending the epidemic by 2030. These included affirming recommendations from the UN High Level 2016 Political Declaration, strategies to promote healthy living for all age groups, to address best practices, identify gaps to be filled, resources required and types of regional cooperation to be undertaken to implement recommendations from the consultation.

The Faith Leaders agreed to:

  • Establish a Regional consultative group working virtually toward the implementation of the recommendations.
  • Discuss the recommendations for action with their national religious councils and provide a progress report to the regional consultative group by 1 July 2017.
  • Share information on activities initially using the PANCAP website.
  • Consider the possibility of follow up regional workshops, ‘think tanks’ and consultations.
Participants at Faith Leaders Consultation


PANCAP held the Fifth Meeting of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and Key Partners in March 2017 which resulted in an urgent call to include more civil society organizations (CSOs) in programme implementation and for an increased emphasis on behavioural change strategies, particularly focused on men.

Ms. Gardenia Destang-Richardson, National AIDS Programme Manager, Ministry of Health St Kitts and Nevis and National AIDS Programme Managers Representative on PANCAP Governance Bodies, called for NAP managers, permanent secretaries and other policy makers to intensify efforts to include members of the civil society organizations at all levels on HIV and AIDS programme planning and implementation.

Consensus was reached on the following next steps towards strengthening the HIV and AIDS response in the Caribbean:

  • Recalibrating messages being used to educate the public on HIV and AIDS to focus on creating behavior change
  • Focusing on men and boys to influence more sexual responsibility within society
  • Leveraging the policy making influence of permanent secretaries and chief medical officers
  • Including civil society organizations at all levels of HIV and AIDS programme implementation

The Honourable Terence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago delivering the keynote address

Participants at the meeting

Ms. Gardenia Destang- Richardson, Chairperson, National AIDS Programme Managers at the opening session


PANCAP/K4Health Project hosted a one-day workshop on ‘Data for Decision Making’ in March 2017 in Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for 15 National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers. The workshop aimed to enhance the capabilities of NAP Managers to effectively interpret, analyse and present data to inform strategic HIV and AIDS programme implementation as well as to efficiently report on findings at every level. The workshop exposed NAP Managers to a series of activities on data analysis and interpretation using a range of software applications. The focus was on identifying key relationships revealed in data in order to inform policy implementation and strategy. Participants were also exposed to critical aspects of data visualization to build their capacity in effectively presenting data to a range of audiences including key populations, donor partners and policymakers.

Dr. Francis Martin - Grenada

Group work in session



Voiced concerns about the lack of comprehensive sexuality education in Caribbean schools

The PANCAP Meeting of Caribbean Youth Leaders on Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV and AIDS, funded by the Global Fund and PAHO, yielded consensus among Youth Leaders for advocating for a review of the age of consent not being aligned with the age when most young people are allowed to access sexual and reproductive health services. The Hon. Robert T.L.V. Browne, Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Chair of the Executive Board of PANCAP, who delivered the keynote address at the opening ceremony echoed similar sentiments to those of the stated objectives. Youth Leaders further agreed to explore opportunities to engage policymakers within their home countries and committed to utilising their advocacy platforms and organisations to furthering the agenda for a change to the age of consent and accessing sexual health services. Participants also voiced concerns about the lack of comprehensive sexuality education in Caribbean schools. In creating a framework for action, youth leaders proposed that policymakers should join in a conversation on the creation of comprehensive sexuality education programmes for schools across the region as a tool to educate youth about sexual health issues and HIV and AIDS.

Participants at Youth Leaders Meeting


Deputy Secretary General, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Ambassador Manorma Soeknandan, tasked parliamentarians with taking immediate steps to adopt the recommendations of the Model Legislation with the overarching aim of full implementation by July 2018.

PANCAP Regional Parliamentarians Forum, held on 30 - 31 May, 2017 in Kingston, Jamaica, resulted in recommendations from parliamentarians on a non-partisan approach to issues related to stigma, discrimination and HIV transmission.

At the meeting, Deputy Secretary-General, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Ambassador Manorma Soeknandan, challenged all parliamentarians in attendance to commence the implementation of the CARICOM Model Anti-Discrimination Bill. Ambassador Soeknandan stated that the model was approved in 2012, yet no efforts were made by member countries to adopt the recommendations proposed by the model.

49 regional parliamentarians were engaged and the following recommendations were proposed:

  • Parliamentarians agreed that issues involving the role of stigma and discrimination in perpetuating HIV transmission should be non-partisan and every effort must be made to protect vulnerable populations susceptible to HIV transmission including youths and LGBT.
  • Parliamentarians advocated for more sensitization of the public about the role that stigma and discrimination plays in the transmission of HIV. Public education tools recommended included using the school curriculum to propagate the anti-discrimination message, community education, leveraging the influence of faith-based leaders, collaborating with parent teacher associations and other groups related to education.
  • A recommendation was made for intensified oversight by parliamentarians to ensure that health care providers and law enforcement are not discriminating against HIV positive persons and key populations.
  • Parliamentarians advocated for a broad based stakeholder engagement to discuss issues affecting key populations with emphasis on stigma, discrimination and HIV transmission.
  • Parliamentarians proposed the creation of a mechanism through which parliamentarians can meet to collaborate and share best practices to further the agenda to end AIDS by 2030. In particular, the establishment of a regional coordinating committee for parliamentarians was recommended. This body would serve to further the discussions and issues raised at the Regional Parliamentarians Forum with the overarching aim of formulating policies and strategies to protect vulnerable groups that can be advocated at the policy making level.
  • Further, parliamentarians recommended a workshop for engagement with regional parliamentarians, NGOs, faith based organizations on the 90-90-90 Targets and strategies to accomplish the end of AIDS by 2030.
  • Youth also formed a large part of the discussion. It was recommended that countries invest in public awareness campaigns targeted at the youth population on condom use and HIV transmission.

The Honourable Delroy Chuck, Minister of Justice, Jamaica, delivering the keynote address

From left to right: Dr. Laurence-Chounoune, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP, Jamaica; Dr. Edward Greene, UNAIDS and PANCAP Advisor; The Honourable Delroy Chuck, Minister of Justice, Jamaica; Mr. Dereck Springer, Director, PANCAP; Dr. Carolyn Gomes, Executive Director, Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition and Dr. César Núñez- Regional Director, UNAIDS Latin America and the Caribbean

Parliamentarians in working group sessions


RCM Agrees on Improved Governance and Oversight

The PANCAP Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) for the new Global Fund Project QRA-H-CARICOM, No. 1122 elected the Hon. Nicolette Henry, Minister of Education, Guyana and Prof. J. Peter Figueroa of The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus as the new Chair and Vice Chair respectively during the First Meeting of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) which was convened in April 2017 in Kingston, Jamaica.

In addition to the election of the new Chair and Vice Chair, the RCM conducted an orientation of members on governance, oversight functions, management of conflicts of interest, and internal and external communication as well as a reviewing and endorsing of its oversight role and communications plan.

From Left to Right- Mr. Dereck Springer- PANCAP Director, Dr. Donald Simeon-PACC Chair, Honourable Nicolette Henry- Minister of Education, Guyana and Chair of the RCM and Prof. Peter Figueora-Deputy Chair of the RCM

Policy Advocacy capacity BUILT FOR Civil Society Organisations

Under the Regional Strategic Assistance Agreement (RSAAG) between CARICOM and PEPFAR/USAID, the PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU) through the local capacity initiative (LCI) project built the capacity of a regional institution (University of the West Indies-Health Economic Unit (UWI-HEU) and local civil society organisations (CSOs) that specifically focus on key populations to become more sustainable as they continue to support the overall goal of reducing transmission of HIV in the Caribbean. The LCI Project commenced on the 1st May 2016 and concluded on the 31st December 2017.

Under this project, policy advocacy trainings (led by the University of West Indies Centers for Health Economics (UWI-HEU)) were delivered in five participating Member States (The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago) to 148 participants from 58 CSOs. Further, the PCU awarded 28 small grants of approximately USD 50,000 each to eligible CSOs to implement project activities focused on policy and advocacy initiatives that tackled the key drivers of the epidemic (Human Rights – 12, Stigma and Discrimination (S&D) – 10, Empowerment and Building Alliances and Coalitions – 6). Through the LCI Project, PANCAP has engaged a number of CSOs that were not previously involved in the HIV response in the region. This has added diversity to the policy and advocacy communication approaches. In addition, the project successfully brokered new partnerships with CSOs and national programmes, strengthened existing linkages, assisted in creating new coalitions among CSOs, and raised the profile and credibility of participating CSOs by entrusting them with direct funding to create and deliver autonomous innovative policy and advocacy projects.

Fourth from Left- Her Excellency, Dr. The Honourable Jennifer Geerlings-Simons, Chairperson of the National Assembly, Republic of Suriname meets with local CSOs under the LCI Project

Participants at LGBTI Human Rights Training

Her Excellency, Dr. The Honourable Jennifer Geerlings-Simons, Chairperson of the National Assembly, Republic of Suriname receiving the Report of Research Findings on Sexual Education and Reproductive Rights Legislation and Policy in Suriname from Ms. Erna Aviankoi, Chair of Stichting Communicatie, Cultuur en Ontwikkeling (COCON) Foundation

Participants in group session- UWI/HEU led Capacity Building Training on Policy Advocacy for CSOs in Jamaica


Website functions as ‘one stop shop’ for knowledge-sharing and capacity building information on HIV in the Caribbean

PANCAP launched a redesigned website in July 2017 at the CARICOM Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana.

The new site offered improved functionality, interactive features and aimed to intensify the level of knowledge sharing, capacity building and networking among the PANCAP partners including civil society organisations, National AIDS Programme Managers, clinicians, technical experts in HIV, key populations (and youth within key populations), faith leaders, parliamentarians and regional and development partners.

The new site featured a highly interactive home page that offered users all the key PANCAP digital tools including instructional toolkits, most recent updates, newly posted documents and a social feed, which highlighted posts from PANCAP’s social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter.

A document library, PANCAP Voices Podcast, Video and Image Galleries, infographics, data and fact sheets and original PANCAP webinars were also featured on the new website.

The Document Library had added functionality as PANCAP members and partners were provided with access to upload their original case studies, best practices, policy and strategy documents and other publications for dissemination to the entire PANCAP partnership. The function was meant to improve capacity building and knowledge management.

The new initiative was a product of the PANCAP Knowledge for Health Project which is a collaboration between PANCAP and the Johns Hopkins University Knowledge for Health Programme, Baltimore with funding from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Ambassador Manorma Soeknandan, Deputy Secretary-General - Caribbean Community (CARICOM) exploring the new PANCAP website

PANCAP enhanced Knowledge sharing on HIV, 90-90-90 and treat all


PANCAP continued to share knowledge among the partnership on key thematic areas. These include HIV prevention, stigma and discrimination, access to services. Key to achieving the global goals of 90-90-90 and Treat All. To achieve this several knowledge products were developed and shared with the partnership. This included a case study of Barbados's experience complemented by a short animated video short animated video. Based on Barbados’s experience a generic Treat All roadmap was developed that countries in the region embarking on Treat All can adopt or adapt to fit their local context. A podcast and several PANCAP voices were also developed in documenting Barbados's experience including the voice of a person living with HIV on the importance of adherence. Several other podcasts and PANCAP voices addressing HIV testing, stigma and discrimination, adherence and other Treat All issues were also developed and will be made available to the Partnership on PANCAP’s redesigned website in July.

Click on the short video below to view Barbados Treat All experience.


PANCAP successfully hosted a series of webinars to address 90-90-90 and Treat All in the region. Technical experts in the region presented on the status and challenges in the region and made recommendations for scaling up to achieve 90-90-90 and Treat All in the Region. Their presentations were complemented by successful implementation practices from CSOs.

Click on the video below for the first webinar and visit the PANCAP website for all recordings.


PANCAP facilitated a study tour for seven (7) partners at the Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL) organization, Jamaica in August 2017. The study tour aimed to expose the partners to JASL’s model of care delivery including the antiretroviral (ART) delivery model.

Participants from The Bahamas, Barbados and Guyana toured JASL’s facilities and were provided with first-hand information on JASL’s operations. The study tour focused on providing participants with a full illustration of the model of care delivery. Participants were provided with information on the factors contributing to the successful delivery of comprehensive HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services by JASL including the provision of ART to key populations.

The study tour also aimed to illustrate for participants the degree and mechanisms of coordination and collaboration between JASL and the Ministry of Health (Jamaica) in supporting the scale up of HIV prevention, care and treatment services to key populations. In addition, the study tour facilitated knowledge sharing and exchange among participants on 90-90-90 and Treat All.

South to South Learning Exchange participants to Jamaica AIDS Support for Life


New champions to act as advocates for fulfilling International and Regional commitments for ending AIDS including the UN High Level Meeting Political Declaration

The PANCAP Champions for Change was relaunched after an eleven-year hiatus. The two-day event was held in September 2017 at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana.

The Forum included a wide cross section of PANCAP members, partners and stakeholders engaged in discussions around the theme ‘Champions for change IV: ending AIDS by 2030’. During the event, 16 champions were identified from among the participants, which include civil society organisations, National AIDS Programme Managers, faith leaders, regional parliamentarians and other advocates for HIV awareness.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Michael Dennis Byron, President, Caribbean Court of Justice, in delivering the keynote address urged newly selected Champions to use their combined influence to make significant strides to reduce stigma and discrimination against HIV positive people and to implement programmes and activities that seek to end the spread of HIV.

The event concluded with a declaration, which highlighted a recommitment by the participants to contribute to the goals of UNAIDS 90-90-90 Targets to end AIDS by 2030. Participants also agreed to advocate for access to affordable medicines and strengthening laboratory systems as a human right by 2020; support enactment of appropriate legislation, regulations and other measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons living with, at risk and affected by HIV by 2020.

The 2017 Champions for Change include Guyana’s First Lady, Mrs Sandra Granger for her outstanding leadership and championing of the ‘Every Caribbean Woman, Every Caribbean Child’ Initiative; the Executive Director of LIVE UP Dr. Allyson Leacock; Attorney-at-law Dr. Arif Bulkan; Canon of the Cathedral in the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, Canon Garth Minott, Member of Parliament (Guyana), Dr. Frank Anthony; the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE), Jamaica, Dwayne Gutzmer; Founder and Managing Director of the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD) in Guyana, Joel Simpson; Executive Director of the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE) Kenita Placide; Speaker of the National Assembly of Belize and Chairperson of the National AIDS Commission, Hon. Laura Tucker-Longworth; Chair of the Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities (CariFLAGS), Lucien Govaard; Guyana’s professional squash player, Nicolette Fernandes; President of the Barbados Evangelical Association, Rev. Dr Nigel Taylor; Director of the National HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Programme at The Bahamas Ministry of Health, Dr Nikkiah Forbes; Republic, Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Health, Hon.Terrence Deyalsingh; Deputy Programme Manager within the Communications Unit at the CARICOM Secretariat, Volderine Hackett; and Senior Pastor of The Poonah Open Bible Miracle Centre (POBMC), Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Rev. Winston Mansingh.

PANCAP Champions -2017

Participants at the Champion for Change Relaunch

From Left to Right: Mr. Dereck Springer-PANCAP Director, Hon. Laura Tucker-Longsworth- Speaker of the National Assembly Belize and Chairperson of the National AIDS Commission, Dr. Douglas Slater- Assistant Secretary General, Human and Social Development,CARICOM at PANCAP Champion for Change-Relaunch


Plan yielded priority issues for Regional Advocacy including access to health care by all, efficiency in supply chain management and inclusion of all genders

PANCAP concluded the Consultation to formulate a Regional Advocacy Strategy and Five-Year Implementation Plan, with strategic priority areas for advocacy. These were developed by a wide cross-section of participants from the region including civil society organisations and National AIDS Programme Managers. The consultation identified core issues for advocacy including increased access to health care by People Living with HIV (PLHIV) without fear of stigma and discrimination, improving efficiency in the supply chain management through adequate forecasting and engaging with policy makers on developing antidiscrimination legislation.

The consultation noted the need to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities to access education, prevention and treatment as well as the need for migrants to access health care services regardless of their status.The consultation also noted that access to health care by all, including PLHIV was linked directly to the Region’s ability to achieve the 90-90-90 targets. Recommendations were made to advocate for this issue at all levels including high-level advocacy with policy-makers.

Participants at the Regional Advocacy Strategy Development Workshop


Caribbean represented by National AIDS Programme Managers, Chief Medical Officers, Civil Society Organisations and Regional Partners

The Third Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Sustainability of the HIV Response, "Road to Ending AIDS in LAC: Towards Sustainable Regional Fast Track Targets" was held in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in November 2017.

The Caribbean was represented by National AIDS Programme Managers, Chief Medical Officers, key populations and regional partners including The University of the West Indies, Caribbean Med Labs Foundation (CMLF), Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC), etc. Civil Society Organisations participated including the Caribbean Sex Work Coalition (CSWC), Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities (CariFLAGS), Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+), Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE), , The DMARCO Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago Transgender Coalition, etc. Key populations included People Living with HIV (PLHIV), lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) representatives, and others.

The Forum, which included finance and HIV experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and from around the world, provided a space for sharing information on national progress and preliminary results towards the achievement of the agreed “90-90-90” and the prevention and zero discrimination targets, challenges and unmet needs from the 2015 Rio Call to Action. It also provided a space for sharing new scientific data, to support the implementation of cost effective and efficient interventions across the continuum of HIV prevention, care and treatment. It facilitated a discussion around strategies and mechanisms to transition into nationally sustainable responses to end AIDS as a public health threat in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030.

Dr. The Honourable Jack Guy Lafontant- Prime Minister of Haiti delivering the keynote address at the opening ceremony of LAC III

Dignitaries at LAC III

At the right, First Lady of Belize, Kim Simplis Barrow presenting on a panel discussion

Dr. The Honourable Jack Guy Lafontant- Prime Minister of Haiti delivering the keynote address at the opening ceremony of LAC III

Dereck Springer, PANCAP Director at LACIII


Achievement deemed a significant next step in achieving PANCAP’s Vision of an AIDS-free Caribbean

Six Caribbean countries received validation by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) for the dual Elimination of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis.

The countries are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Director of PANCAP, Mr Dereck Springer underscored the significance of the accomplishment to achieving PANCAP’s vision of an AIDS free Caribbean. He emphasized that the validation for EMTCT of HIV and Syphilis sends a strong message that the Caribbean is making remarkable progress towards achieving the goal of an AIDS free generation and that this milestone directly aligns with the vision and objectives of PANCAP.

Dr. The Honourable Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis ( front row, fifth from left); Dr. Carissa Etienne ( front row, fourth form left), Director, PAHO; Ministers of Health, Representatives of Regional Technical Agencies and countries receiving validation


Workshop developed messages to educate targeted audiences including key populations

The PANCAP Knowledge for Health Treat All Strategy and Message Design Workshop was held in December 2017 in Port-of-Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The workshop, built the capacity of National AIDS Programme (NAP) Managers and representatives of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in creating ‘Treat All’ messages. Participants were taken through a systematic process of identifying target audiences ( key and influencing audiences), developing audience profile, creating "Treat All' messages and selecting appropriate channels of communication. It was an initiative of the PANCAP Knowledge for Health Project and was facilitated by Beth Mallalieu, a Public Health Specialist from the Johns Hopkins Centre of Communication Programmes and the PANCAP Knowledge for Health team.

Participants at the Treat ALL Design Message Workshop

Acknowledgement and Appreciation

The aforementioned activities by PANCAP were implemented with the support of the following development partners: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), the American People through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

Copyright © *|2018|* *|PANCAP|*, All rights reserved.

*|Annual Report 2017|* *||*

Our mailing address is:

*|PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU)

CARICOM Secretariat

13-15 Area F Plantation, Turkeyen,

Greater Georgetown, Guyana|*

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