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April Newsletter K-8 PVLA

Meet Mrs. Rachael Olson. She is our third and fourth grade Google Classroom teacher. Mrs. Olson enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. She was inspired to become a teacher by her third grade teacher, Mrs. Moore. She stated "she played a powerful role in my life and the lives of my classmates."

She loves zooming with students each day and being able to connect with students in a meaningful way, enjoying the daily interations.

She onces wrote to the author Beverly Clearly and received a written letter back!

Thank you Mrs. Olson for your time and commitment with our students and families. We appreciate you.

Meet Kelly Richards, our fourth grade Acellus teacher. She loves movies, hiking and reading. Kelly said she became a teacher "because I think learning is fun! I learn just as much as the students do."

She enjoys teaching for the Virtual Learning Acadmy where she gets to see the work submitted by her students and can tell that her students are trying their best.

She has a miniature husky named Luna.

Thank you Kelly for your relentless hours supporting our students online. *Photo of Kelly with her son and grandson*

I would like to thank the Retired Educators Association of Pendleton for the generous grant in the amount of $250. The funds were used to purchase new art supplies for the remainder of the school year and into next year. We live in a great community that continues to support our teachers and students. Visit us at the learning lab for some wonderful art projects.

Clay and glaze purchased with our grant

Conscious Discipline Parent Night has been a huge success. If you are unable to attend the live Zoom meetings, you can watch them on our district website I have been using conscious discipline for over six years and I still learn something new each time I attend a training. We all can benefit from a refresher. As a mom of two active, strong willed and amazing kids, I have found that conscious discipline helps balance our day to day life. Breathe, you got this!

PVLA Parent Survey- If you have not had a chance to fill out the parent survey I would truly apperciate your feedback. This will help me build the program and fit our communities needs.

May 27, 2021 is the last day of PVLA and the last day to turn in work. Report cards will be mailed out the week of June 7th. If your mailing address is different than your home address, please let me know so I can update the system. If you have any questions about assignments and timelines please contact your student's teacher(s).

Thank you! Jenny Corey, PVLA K-8 Coordinator 5419663253


Created with images by jplenio - "nature dandelion macro" • padrinan - "conversation balloon text"
