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Times Are Changing, Change Your Thinking... With the Electric Range of Terex Fuchs Material Handlers

Electric drives are today’s forward-thinking trend, not only in cars, but in material handlers too. This is especially the case with indoor applications, stationary machines, and rail undercarriage machines, in which powerful zero-emissions electric drives are extremely easy to maintain and have very tangible benefits. Some of these benefits include, low operating and servicing costs, low noise emissions, less dust circulation and heat build-up. Another additional benefit is that the full torque is immediately 100% available when operating, which gives more output than traditional diesel-powered machines.

The UK government recently announced a proposal to ban the use of ‘Red Diesel’ from April 2022. These measures have come about to encourage the transition towards the use of more efficient vehicles and machinery. This could lead to businesses across the UK facing a significant rise in their fuel purchasing costs. What better time to change out your traditional diesel-powered material handler, for a more cost effective, Electric Powered Terex Fuchs material handler?

Terex Fuchs currently offer an electric version of nearly their entire Material Handler range, including the MHL820 (20 tonne machine) right through to their MHL890 (+80 tonne machine). In early 2021 they will add the baby of the fleet, the MHL810 which will complete the offering. The extensive use of standard components from the Fuchs range of diesel engine models, ensures that spare parts are widely available for all the electric models. The electric cable lengths and cable reel designs on these machines are adapted to each customer’s specific needs. Machines can be equipped with an internal or external powerpack, to move the machine around the yard for simple plug and play in several locations.

Blue Equipment Ireland Ltd delivered the country’s first electric Fuchs material handler into River Ridge Recycling, back in 2019. Since then they have been able to sell machines to several companies across Northern and The Republic of Ireland, including R.T.D Crawford Ltd located in Belfast.

R.T.D Crawford are currently running a Fuchs MHL 820 at their wood recycling centre. It works six hours a day, 5 days a week, feeding a static shredder. Managing Director, Mark Crawford, offers his thoughts on the handler: ‘’Being in the timber and recycling industry, we deal with a lot of dust and we cannot spray to keep the dust down because of the moisture content of the material. We used to run a diesel-powered material handler, however, this caused us to have a few fires. We then had a good think about it and opted to go for an electric powered handler instead.’’ Mark then goes on to describe some further benefits that the electric machine has over a diesel powered one, ‘’There is no comparison in terms of running cost and servicing costs, the electric machines are by far the cheaper option. We are also seeing a big difference in terms of power on this handler, compared to the diesel one that we used to run. The power never seems to fluctuate, whereas we would sometimes get some inconsistencies with the diesel-powered engines’’. This MHL 820 came with a donkey engine, which allows the customer to move unit whilst disconnected from the power source.

Panda Waste run a Fuchs MHL 831, which helps to feed their two static shredders. Kenny Connor from Panda, explains why they opted for a Electric engine over a diesel one, ‘’The shed that the 831 is working in has high levels of dust and high temperatures, a diesel machine just wouldn’t be safe or effective in that environment. The Fuchs handler is generally working for 18 hours a day and we have had no problems with it whatsoever. The servicing and maintenance aspect is so much easier and cheaper too. We have been running the 831 for 18 months now and we could not be happier with it’’.

If you would like to find out some more information on any of the machines in the Terex Fuchs electric range, simply give us a call on 0345 217 8755 or email us on