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Wisteria Hummingbird food

This project was started with the idea of making a label for premium hummingbird food that you would find at a farmers market. I started by sketching several mock ups to find a design that I liked and wanted to pursue further.

Next I found a bunch of reference images of wisteria in blossom because unfortunately the wisteria in my backyard is still hibernating. From these images I practiced drawing wisteria and getting the concept of the stems and flowers as well as developing a color palette. (Fun fact, the violet of the flowers and green of leaves are complimentary colors)

Next I moved my sketch to a digital canvas that was set up in CNYK because this project is ultimately designed to be printed.

I then digitally began drawing the stems and leaves into the label, I tried to give the leaves a slightly more depth by drawing the veins and filling with a slightly more red color.

Next I drew up the blossoms. They went through several iterations but I settled on simple circles felt the best due to the size of the image being to small for more textured detail.

Next I used a clipping mask on the blossoms to give the deeper violet ring around each blossom.

Then on another layer I carefully lightened the yellows of the flowers to help the blossoms look more natural.

I settled on using a font instead of handwriting/drawing the label to make the product label easier to read, and less pixelated.

The final product was a 4” by 3” label.

Which really shines when printed and displayed on a bottle of premium un-dyed hummingbird food.
