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Here We Are The Old Bakery and Emporium presents Regina Allen, Bob Coffee and V... Vaughan

The world before our eyes, do you really see it? This is an opportunity to see things from another angle. You never get tired of sculptures by Bob Coffee. He brings a little bit of mischief with him. Regina Allen views from above. V… Vaughan’s favorite subjects are wild places around the countryside when she is not teaching art.

Regina Allen

My oil paintings and drawings examine the landscape viewed from above, looking at the visual impact of human activities such as, sprawl, deforestation, mineral extraction, and agriculture. This takes us out of our daily point-of-view and creates an “overview effect,” the phenomenon experienced by astronauts who view earth from space. They note that, from above, national boundaries vanish and the conflicts and politics that divide people become less important, ideally uniting us with a will to protect our planet. I really enjoy this idea. But you still see evidence of tension between humans and nature, and this is the subject of my work.

"Hill Country"

Numerous environmental conflicts fuel my art, but my work also celebrates the abstract elements of landscape and the enduring tenacity of nature, grounding itself in the physicality of the medium.

"Convergence at Cairo, Copper Ore Mine and Las Vegas Sprawl"

I pull some of my images from cool, remote satellite views. I also use my own photographs, which I shoot from aircrafts or sometimes from elevated locations that I reach on foot. When I choose my imagery, I look for a contrast between geology and human-made structures and activities.

When I choose my imagery, I look for a contrast between geology and human-made structures or activities. I also look for beauty, which sometimes comes from unexpected subjects.

"Flyover, Austin to Phoenix"

See more of Regina's art at

Bob Coffee

Architect/ sculptor, Bob Coffee, also ranches in the Texas Hill Country. He sculpts themes he knows well - western, wildlife, sports and whimsical subjects.

His award-winning work has shown from coast to coast and in Mexico and is in the collections of 3 Texas Governors, 2 US Congressmen, Heisman Tophy winner Earl Campbell; the past President of Afghanistan and the Aga Kahn.

"Swing the Statue"

What do you say about your sculpture? You’re taking an idea or concept from a vision and turning it into a three dimensional object that expresses your skill and imagination. It’s great fun and personally satisfying. What more can you ask of what you do?

"The Kiss"

I want viewers of my work to feel some of the pleasure I had in making it and - with commissioned work - I want my client to see in their new sculpture the exact spirit, impression or story they had first envisioned.

"Tyler Rose"

His work has taken 1st place in the annual shows of both the Texas Society of Sculptors and the Texas Sculpture Association. He was 3 years president of the Texas Society of Sculptors.

"Arm Wrestlers"

See more of Bob's art at

V... Vaughan

An impressionist oil painter, V.... paints on location all across America. “My favorite subjects are wild places and around the countryside near America's small farms."

"Starting to Whoop"

V….Vaughan spent many years as a graphic designer/art director/illustrator, working in advertising and winning Addy Awards. Her clients included Samsung, The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, and Harcourt Publishing. V....Vaughan Arts grew through RockSports Inc. which still features V’s colorful designs in national catalogs and websites. For over 20 years V.... has been a part-time high school art instructor. She also teaches painting workshops all across America.

"Blue Mare, Buffalo, No Regrets"

Her paintings are part of the permanent collection of the Gadsen Museum of Art, the Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art and the Great Plains Art Museum as well as in countless private collections.

"Pet Commission", see the website for more information.

"I paint because it’s the best way I know how to communicate, study and observe God’s creative work, and to think His thoughts after Him.“


More art by V... Vaughan is at


Old Bakery and Emporium