PLEASE Don't Die This Summer.
We spend all Spring thinking about Summer, then spend all Fall and Winter recovering from Summer. I usually spend my summers with my friends, and last year when there were murders on the local news almost every week, after every goodbye, my friend would tell me not to die on my way home. Her words stuck with me and I couldn’t help but ignore that possible fate and what Summer meant for people like me, who come from similar backgrounds and communities. Black and Brown kids are usually at the receiving end of violence. From walking to the bodega, to chilling in the park, we constantly look over shoulder and have death shadow us.
I chose to collaborate with my friends, Malakai White, Mia Davis, Michia Davis, Npenda Fofana, René Dominguez, Rosely Espinal, Sumaya Bouhbal, and Symphony Archibold, and photograph them as they encapsulate summer. Through this project, I tell a story of celebration, that even through all the struggle that summer brings, we prevail, we look Summer dead in the face and tell Summer they cannot take us, and tell our loved ones, “Please don’t die this Summer.”
About the Artist
Steven Tovar is a public school student currently residing in The Bronx NY, attending The High School of Fashion Industries. Steven’s Bronx background makes up a lot of his persona, from his admiration of Hip-Hop to his solidarity with communities that face systematic oppression in The Bronx. Through Steven’s personal experiences, he has found a strong passion for advocating for people of color, and marginalized communities, as well as fighting against institutional oppression and identity based injustice. Steven aspires to inform people about these topics through his photography and writing. As Steven is starting to find out where he stands in this world, he looks forward to the future and hopes to continue to fight the oppression that affects these marginalized communities. He will incorporate this into his career choices and lifestyle, allowing him to make an impact on these issues and the communities they affect. @steventovar_
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Follow Steven on Instagram: @steventovar_