Dear friends
Here are 36 shortlisted Tell Us Your Tale
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Further down you will see each individual entry and accompanying story.
2 - Stephen Lacey
3 - Miguel López Gul
Light, light, light
Come here light!
5 - Marisa Santamaría
8 - Quique Roig
Instagram: @enriqueroigesc
11 - David Coronado
14 - Jose Vázquez
18 - Lalo Narbona Calvo
Obra maestra de siete segundos. Breves estrobos musicales, momentos de creatividad generosa de Fer y Tinín en una ecología favorecedora nos regalan su “Samba pequeña”. Microrrelato sonoro que muestra sin molestar la esencia de bossa, influencias de ida y vuelta, subgéneros, y migraciones. Con su sencillo melisma melódico, ritmo fláccido, IIm6 y IMaj7, un acorde por palabra en tenida cadencia, coral en ebrius cantus desafinado, o no. Sabemos que no es un haiku, ni 4’33’’. No existe grabación, jamás se repetirá. Me perturba escuchar artistas minúsculos recurriendo a lánguidas imitaciones. Unión de Guijarros. Ya sabrán.
19 - Burkhard Dammer
20 - Rafa Adelantado
I obviously fell asleep. I don't know why but accidentally the alarm clock was set at an absurd time and when it started bawling my alarm was accompanied by an unexpected state of disorientation; 3:33? But is it the early morning? Is it the afternoon? What is happening to me? I quickly regained control. Well, it's 3:33 in the afternoon, nothing happens, I said to myself, the alarm clock only warns me; it reminds me that I am still confined, I don't have to go anywhere, I can't go out for a walk, nor do I have anything to do. I'm going to eat something. It would have been nice to sleep a little longer. Damn alarm clock...
23 - Stephan Lacey
27 - David Ulibarri
One day, a very poor painter decided to paint something on his door to see if good luck would find him. An old neighbour came by, and when he knew what he was doing, he asked him: Why don't you paint me some coins, the pension never comes to me... A boy passed by who asked him for a pirate. And a boy asked him for a companion. Many others passed by, and when the day was over, the painter had many doors to paint!
29 - studioanderlicht
She wanted to sell all her Barbies and horses on the free market. Luckily she has a little brother who is willing to take over a few things from her. But no dresses hoor blegh. Hm, but that miniskirt and the scissors too. Oh no, you can have those scissors back, because they don't work (tried to cut his hair with them).
And now I have to tell them that they have to do their homework
30 - Albygator
Here I am