I chose to include this photo in my portfolio because I really liked the way my sister Belle looks, so silly. I love my sister very much and she means the world to me. I would do anything for her if she asked me to. Here, as you can see, there is obvious color contrast and I thought that the sky looks like it is framing her.
I captured this shot at the park behind our house while the sun was setting. I really needed a good shot for my contrast assignment so I asked if she would take pictures with her red Christmas sweater and she said yes. I thought it would be a good idea to lay down and have her stand above me and I was right. This shot came out and I am very proud of this photo.
I wanted to show this photo in my portfolio because I thought it showed good contrast in colors and good framing. I took this photo for my framing assignment. I had a really good time walking to the park and taking my sister's photo while she was messing around and playing on the playground. This photo shows framing.
My sister and I walked to the Dena Boer park around 5 pm. I wanted to shoot at this time of day because I thought the lighting was really good and bright enough to take this picture. She wanted to go through the tube and I thought that was a great time and area to shoot a photo or two.
I took this photo after school had ended so it was almost empty. I thought this would be a good shot because it showed the leading lines I needed for the assignment and also I liked the concept of following the lines to leave or escape the "prison". I want the viewer to see the obvious leading lines and notice the concept if possible.
I took this photo around 2:30 pm, right after school had ended. I wanted to do this because I liked the emptiness of the shot and how no one was walking around. It helped me get the idea for this shot.
I chose this photo for my portfolio because I really liked how it turned out and how the lighting looked on my family. My personal attachment to this image is my family. They look like the average family in this photo but they are actually very weird and crazy. I love them all very much and I am so happy this picture can show that. This photo shows repetition.
I took my family to the park behind our house after they came home from work which was around 6:30. I wanted to take this shot with the lighting in front of them because I thought it would give it a good look and it did. I was very happy with the way this photo came out.
I chose this image because I thought it was a good shot and showed great rule of thirds with one pole to the right of the middle point and the farther pole to the left of the middle point. I really like how the colors of the sky and the grass came out and their contrasting colors are the real reason I chose this photo for my portfolio. This photo shows rule of thirds.
I think I took this photo during lunch at school. I wanted to take this photo because I thought it showed good rule of thirds and I really liked the way the pole was sitting. The colors of the grass and sky together also prompted me to take out my camera and shoot this photo.
I chose this photo for my portfolio because I really loved how it turned out and I really thought my parents looked great. I thought the lighting was perfect and how my mom is looking at the camera but my dad is looking off into the distance and laughing at something my mom had said to him. This, I think, really shows their relationship and how they really are as people and together. This photo doesn't have a compositional element.
I took this photo at the park behind my house around 6:30 after my parents had both just gotten home. I wanted to take good family photos of them and my sister and this one was one of my favorites. This one really showed them as people and I really liked that.
I chose to have this photo in my portfolio because I thought it turned out great. I love the lights in the background and how the light in front of her lit up her face perfectly. I thought it was so much fun going into the JNN room and sees around with the lights and taking pictures of each other. This photo has no compositional elements.
I took this photo during class on the 3rd of December for an assignment. I loved the way it came and I really enjoyed getting the chance to mess around with my friends and still get great pictures.
I chose this picture for my portfolio because I thought it looked great and I really liked the look on her face. This photo means a lot to me because my sister means a lot to me and she just so happens to be the subject of this photo. I want the viewer to see my sister just chilling and having a good time taking pictures. This has no compositional element.
This photo was taken at the park behind my house around 6:30 after my parents had gotten home from work. I thought the lighting was great and I thought the picture would come out good and I was right and I am very happy about that.
I chose this photo to be in my portfolio because I thought it captured the moment that showed why my mom fell for my dad back in their senior year. He always wants to make us laugh but I think it makes everything better once my mom starts laughing. This photo means so much to me because I really think it shows my parents in a nutshell. Silly, goofy, and completely in love with each other. This photo does not have a compositional element.
I took this photo at the park behind my house while the sun was setting behind me. I wanted to take their photo because they were just being silly and I thought that was a good time to take a photo while they weren't paying attention. I was originally taking this photo for an assignment but then I ended up just taking some pictures for fun.
I chose this photo because I liked the shallow depth of field of it and I love how my dad looks in it. He looks so proud and happy to be where he is. I want the viewer to see how my dad is outside of work and outside of family gatherings. He is a very proud person and I thought this photo showed that. There is no compositional element in this photo.
I took this photo at the park behind my house after my parents got home around 6:30. I wanted to take this photo because I thought it would turn out to be a good photo and I was right so I am very happy I made that good decision.