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Collaboration amongst Faculty in Creating an Interdisciplinary Project

What do you believe are the important elements of collaboration?

Steps to Collaborating with Faculty on Creating a Successful Interdisciplinary Project

1. Purpose

2. Plan

3. Prepare

4. Proceed

5. Present

6. Appraise

1. Purpose

Jodi Peterson

Purpose of Interdisciplinary Project:

WHY do you want to develop an Interdisciplinary Project? Outline your overall purpose.


  • Boost a sense of belonging
  • Connect what they are learning with real-word scenarios and career scenarios
  • Embrace a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach to learning to develop marketable skills such as collaboration, ability to transfer knowledge and experience, curiosity

Determine Central Question

WHAT central theme or question do you want students to tackle? How can this project relate to career-readiness?

2. Prepare

Emily Johnson & Claudia Arcolin

Faculty Forum:

Communication and collaboration plan for a community of practice among instructors to participate in or contribute to the project
Customized FERPA consent form to collaborate across different classes
Copyright Distribution License
Optional Creative Commons License
Visibility beyond the classroom through RoadRunner Press and creation of Open Educational Resources (finalizing implementation)

Student Forum:

Creation of Assignment in LMS
Digital tools for content creation
Digital tools for cross-section student collaboration

3. Plan

Jodi Peterson

Develop Committee

WHO sees their place in the project and wants to participate? Plan how each discipline will participate in the project.

Choose a Project Manager

Project Manager: Inclusive & Authoritative

Determine Modality & Set Dates

Simultaneous: Students multiple disciplines working on the same problem-based scenario and students work as an équipe with different expertises; Sequential: Students from multiple disciplines creating an artifact building on knowledge and expertise learned in the previous course.

Have the End in Mind

Consider expected modes of presentation from the start so that the project has a direction and can stay on track.

4. Proceed

Jodi Peterson

Project Manager maintains communication between disciplines, follows up on due dates, and works closely with supporting staff.
When faculty network and collaborate, they model it for their students. Clearly document the work so that assets are easily accessible for the "present" step.

5. Present

Emily Johnson

Opportunity to Celebrate Learning. Watch for ways to showcase student work through presentations, performances, publications, etc.


  • Digital Presentation: Video, Augmented Reality
  • In-Person Presentation
  • Long-Term Archiving & Preservation
6. Appraise: Before, During, & After


Created with images by qimono - "question mark question mark" • marijana1 - "planner plan planning" • aumod - "shoes marathon race" • Wokandapix - "assess measure evaluation"