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World Language Weekly October 15, 2018

World Languages PD Days 2 & 3

10 ways to get your Class moving

Mis Clases Locas (Not to be confused with La Maestra Loca, although she is referenced in the post! ) shared a post this week called 10 Ways to Get your Spanish Class Moving. Although her examples are in Spanish, almost all of the activities can be used in any language! Her 10 ideas were:

  1. Baile Viernes - Dance Friday. This is one of my personal favorites!
  2. Brain Breaks
  3. Brain Bursts (Short Brain Breaks - via Annabelle Allen)
  4. Running Dictation
  5. Get off the Bus - a variation of 4 corners activity.
  6. Reader's Theater and Silent Actors
  7. Carboard Gloves (Felipe Alou is cited - we have this book available in both French and Spanish from our Lending Library.
  8. Find Someone Who/People Hunt
  9. Speed Ball
  10. Children's Songs

Check out the full article here, complete with links to full descriptions and examples!

Cosi is looking for input on Interactive Video Conferencing

COSI's Interactive Videoconferencing team is looking to expand their Ask A Scientist program to include a new focus on Languages. Language program ideas are:

  • Language & Computers - How can you tell if you are talking to a computer or a real person? Are Emojis a new language and more.
  • Language & the Mind - How is language organized int he brain? What happens in your brain when you listen to people talk? Why don't people always understand each other?
  • Language & Identity - Do you speak with an accent? why do some languages sound harsh, or ugly or beautiful?
  • Language Learning - How do babies learn language? What's the best way to learn a second language and why is it good to learn one?

Feel free to submit your input through their survey here - its only 5 questions!

Feeder Pattern/School Visits

After looking at the testing calendar for this spring, Katy and I moved a few dates around for the Feeder Pattern/School Visits. Please reference the list below.

Feeder Pattern Visits

Katy and I are planning on doing Feeder Patter visit days this year. You can find our tentative schedule below. Although it is our goal to visit each school on the list, we may not make it to all. These visits are not evaluative and are an opportunity for us to listen to your feedback, tell us support you may need and to see the amazing things you all day everyday. Katy will be reaching out to principals to inform them of our visits. I will send a reminder email the week prior to the schools.

Tentative Visit Schedule

October 23 - Woodward Park MS, Mifflin MS and Medina MS, Beechcroft HS, Northland HS, Mifflin HS

November 7 (Changed from 11/20) - Dominion MS and Ridgeview MS, Whetstone HS and Centennial HS

December 4 - Buckey MS, Marion Franklin HS, South HS, Ft. Hayes, CNIS and Columbus Scioto

January 24 - Johnson Park MS and Sherwood MS, Berwick Alternative, Walnut Ridge HS, and Eastmoor Academy

February 12 (Changed from April 9) - Columbus Africentric Early College, CAHS, Columbus City Prep School Boys and Girls and Linden McKinley STEM Academy

February 26 -Yorktown MS and Champion MS, Independence HS and East HS

March 14 (Changed from March 26) - Hilltonia MS, Westmoor MS and Wedgewood MS, West HS and Briggs HS

CAAP Program & CAAP Newsletter - If you are not currently subscribed to the CAAP newsletter or have a log-in for the CAAP Common Core and Practice tests, please email Dr. Rebecca Bias at This is available for French, Chinese and Spanish teachers. Last year's CAAP results should be sent out October 1.

This month's newsletter shares a free online training on Implicit Bias focused on the K-12 education system. Click here to access the training modules.

There is also a information about an OSU program that pairs high school students from refugee or immigrant background with college mentors to learn their higher education options. The organization is called Refuge. For more information email: . Applications for mentees can be found here.

There is a new CAAP Ambassador! The CAAP Ambassador will visit schools and speak to students about careers in world languages. To request a visit, contact Dr. Bias at

Columbus City Schools - National Board Certified Teachers PD - October  Click here for course offerings. This listing includes a workshop on GLAD Foundations - strategies used in many Immersion schools but has applications in second langauge teaching. Click here for more information on GLAD.

Central Ohio TCI - Comprehensible Coffee  - October Meeting. Enjoy coffee and chat around the topic of CI. October 13 from 9-11:30 at the Panera in Lewis Center (8823 Owenfield Drive, Powell, Ohio). These meetings are informal, open conversation. Bring your questions, ideas and thoughts to share! Register here.

2019 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in combination with the Ohio Foreign Language Association: March 14 - 16 at the Hilton Downtown Columbus. Preliminary materials have been posted to the OFLA website for planning purposes. Click here to access the site.

Early Release Virtual PD - November 14, 2018 -Using Stations. Register in PDS - Course #33368.

Early Release PD Recordings: Find the links to the recordings to our Early Release Virtual PD here. If you are interested in participating in future Early Release Virtual PD, please consult your administrator. If approved, sign up in PDS - Course number 33368.

Best Practices PD - Next session: November 7, 2018 - Using the Curriculum. Register in PDS - Course #32919.

ODE PD - Register through STARS

  • Planning Daily and Weekly Lessons in a Performance-based Wl Classroom 10/16 9:30 - 3:30 Westerville Public Library
  • ODE PD - ASL Learning, Instruction and Collaboration - 11/9 9:45 - 3:30 pm Old Worthington Library - 820 High St. Worthington Ohio.

CCS and Ashland University

  • CCS and Ashland University have a partnership to offer 1-2 semester hour courses to CCS teachers for free (unless you no-show, then there is a fee). Click here to see the courses offered and registration information. FYI - registration opened September 20.
  • If a course is full, please use this form to be added to the waitlist.

PD Shared by ODE:

  • Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Culture of Latin America (ILCLA). More information can be found here.

Pearson Webinars:

Advertised as pd for Hispanic Heritage Month, but sessions are different strategies for Spanish teachers. Register for the one-hour webinars here.

Sans - Instructional Technology for Language Learners

In case you missed it, resources for World Languages Teachers. Click here to access.

When using items from the Team Drive for instruction - Please make a copy of the file first, and place in your own My Drive. Only member of the Team Drive can access the files, and I will receive access requests when documents are shared with anyone outside of the Team Drive members try to access the documents.

This will also allow you to make changes to documents without changing them for everyone!

For directions on making a copy of a document and moving it to your own drive, click here.

OFLA AWARDS FOR 2018 - The window has opened for nominations for the 2018 OFLA awards and will close on November 1, 2018. More information here. This is a great way to recognize those that advocate, support, promote and excel in the World Languages field.

Registering for a CCS activity - CCS has adopted a new PD planner. Click here for instructions on how-to register for a CCS Professional Development Opportunity.

Upcoming Dates

October 17 - HS Department Chair

October 19 - World Languages District PD Day

October 23 - End of Quarter 1

October 24 - Records Day & End Grade Entry

October 25 - Grade Verifications to Teachers

October 26 - Grade Corrections Posted & Window Closes at the end of the day

Lending Library

Use the sign-up sheets below to reserve copies of lending library titles. I will deliver the books to your school by the requested time frame. Please contact me with any questions.

Spanish Lending Library

French Lending Library

Japanese Lending Library

Chinese Lending Library

Want a book not listed? Submit your suggestions here.


Created with images by alexander bracken - "I Believe in You!"


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