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DORA's Regulatory Services

Licensing and Permitting

Individual and business licensure for more than 50 professions, occupations, and business types.


Resolution of complaints / charges received and proactive enforcement/compliance-oriented investigations ensuring adequate consumer protection.

Institutional Examinations

Examinations of all state-chartered financial institutions and insurance companies.

Consumer Assistance and Contact / Complaint Resolution

Informal complaint resolution, including responses to general consumer inquiries.


Criminal and compliance investigations, both in response to formal complaints and regular audits.

Rate Analysis and Approval

Analysis and/or review of requests to change the rates, terms, and conditions of service offerings; and other factors by state regulations to assure the prices are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.

Consumer Representation During Utility Rate Approvals

Present evidence in support of consumers when utilities request rate increases.


Inspections for more than ten regulatory professions and areas under statutory requirements.

Outreach and Training

Proactive dissemination of information about consumer rights.