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Joelle Nagle Phd Candidate in Education

I am a PhD Candidate in Education (Curriculum) at Western University. My research interests are situated within literacy education, specifically multiliteracies (Kalantzis & Cope, 2012; New London Group, 1996) and multimodal literacy (Jewitt & Kress, 2003). My current research focus is on multiliteracies pedagogies in formal teacher professional learning and teacher education and their perceptions of how multiliteracies shapes their own language and literacy pedagogy. My research is being supervised by Dr. Rachel Heydon and Dr. Zheng Zhang.

My previous research, supervised by Dr. Rosamund Stooke, focused on multimodal literacy within a multiliteracies framework for the creation of identity texts in an intermediate (grades 7 & 8) classroom. As an Ontario certified teacher (K-12) with a focus on, and experience in, intermediate education (ages 12-14), I am keen to understand how early adolescent students engage with literacy in a variety of modes to represent and communicate in purposeful ways.

Nagle, J. & Stooke, R. (2016). Railways, rebellions and Rage Against The Machine: Adolescents’ interests and meaning-making in the creation of multimodal identity texts. Literacy (50)3, 158-165.

I have been an instructor of Curriculum and Pedagogy for Primary/Junior Language Arts in the B.Ed. program at Western, an ESL instructor at Fanshawe College, and an instructor at St. Clair College, Thames Campus. I’m currently teaching in the BEd programs at Western University (A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies) and the University of Windsor (Junior/Intermediate Language Arts Education). My academic service includes co-chairing the 2018 Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) pre-conference in Regina, SK. As well as peer reviewing for various academic journals and acting as the Managing Editor and Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of New Scholars in Education (CJNSE).

Considering a teacher educator's ethical responsibilities to their students, I recently published an article titled: Twitter, cyber-violence, and the need for a critical social media literacy in teacher education: A review of the literature (2018) in Teaching and Teacher Education.

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Joelle Nagle


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