August 4 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team News

The Rio Report from US Sailing is your source for updates on the U.S. Olympic Sailing Team. Here's the latest from Marina da Gloria in Rio de Janeiro.


  • Viewing Guide: How to Watch the Team Compete In Rio
  • Houston Sends The Team to Rio In Style
  • Fifteen of the Finest: Rio 2016 Team Roster
  • VIDEO: Moving to Rio
  • Sights from Practice Week
  • Ready for Rio: An Open Letter From Josh Adams, Team Leader
Stu McNay and Dave Hughes (Men's 470) in Rio. Photo: World Sailing

How to Watch The U.S. Olympic Sailing Team

Racing begins in Rio on August 8th.

The Rio 2016 Olympic Games will feature unprecedented coverage of sailing for fans in the United States. Between NBC’s world-class television and online programming, US Sailing’s multi-channel coverage, and comprehensive daily email reports sent directly to fans, anyone hoping to follow the U.S. Olympic Sailing Team will have a better view than during any previous Olympics.

For more details on how to follow the action, check out the US Sailing Team’s viewing guide below.

Houston Sends The Team To Rio

The U.S. National Sailing Team received a rousing send-off from hundreds of junior sailors, families, Olympians and fans at Houston Yacht Club on Wednesday, July 27th as the team prepares to head to Brazil. The Send-Off Party coincided with the U.S. Optimist Class National Championship, allowing scores of future Team USA hopefuls to meet the team headed to Brazil.

Hundreds of well-wishers cheer on the athletes in Houston.

Fifteen of the Finest

Moving to Rio

Practice Week

Photos: World Sailing

Ready for Rio

An open letter to all American sailors from the Managing Director of U.S. Olympic Sailing.

To friends and supporters of our National Team,

On August 5, when the U.S. Olympic Sailing Team lines up to march as part of Team USA in the Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony, the athletes will be confident in the knowledge that they have completed extensive preparations to compete in Rio. The US Sailing Team Sperry committed early in the 2016 Olympic quadrennium to “embrace Rio” and acclimatize to the Games environment.

We have worked for several years to learn and experience the Rio 2016 competition venue, and everything that Rio delivers with its challenging racing conditions, spirited culture and concerns about health and safety. With the spotlight about to shine bright on the Olympic Games, I’d like to take the opportunity to share some of the details of USA’s preparations with you.

The Next Generation At Work

ODP Athletes Score World Championship Podiums at European Regattas

Europe hasn’t always been kind to young American sailors. It takes some time to get accustomed to competing on the Continent. But this past July generated substantial optimism for the future of U.S. Olympic sailing, with Olympic Development Program(ODP) athletes bringing home a pair of podiums and a number of other noteworthy finishes from the summer’s biggest events. Henry Marshall (Newton, Mass.) led the charge for American sailors with his win in the Boys Laser Radial World Championship in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.

ODP Youth Travel Team at the 2016 29er Worlds


PRESS CONTACT: Will Ricketson, Press Officer / Communications Manager, +1 978 697 2384

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US Sailing Team

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