
DigiTech@PPS Creating Innovative Learners

How do you help students recognise if a site they are looking at contains real or fake news? Do your students know how to use Google's advanced search settings? These were two questions that I was asked to cover by our Grade 5 team for the start of this term.

We started the lesson by asking the students whether they knew the difference between a search engine and a browser. We used the following YouTube clip put together by Google.

We then went on to discuss website addresses and the 5W's. The 5W's by Kathy Schrock is a great aid for helping kids to evaluate a website.

The students looked at a variety of different sites and decided on whether the information they contained were factual or not. Some great sites we used were The Tree Octopus and dhmo. Finally the students used Google Sites to create their own fictitious website.

This week in Grade 5 we are going on to look at Advance Search Techniques.

Created By
Christina Bretherton

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