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Beauty of the World.

This photo was chosen because it shows the beauty of the other parts of the world. I like taking pictures of landscapes because it reminds me of the default photos that and Apple or Windows would give you for your background. This was taken during the Thanksgiving break of 2019 at Ensenada, Mexico. My camera was always in my hand and I was ready to take any picture that caught my eye, and this was one of them.


This photo was chosen because it looks great with my sister pointing out to the ocean with a somewhat gradient background. As I and my family walked into our new Airbnb in Mexico, for the Thanksgiving break, my sister and I decided to check out the view that we will be seeing for the next week. She goes off to the first balcony, from the master bedroom, as I go to the second one that connects from the living room. With the camera in my hand, I proceeded to shoot. And for the rest of our week, we admired our view from the 8th floor.

What Goes Up Must Come Down. (Rule of Thirds)

This photo was chosen because it shows the rule of thirds. This place was was unforgettable, but unfortunately, it was and I forgot the name of the location. Its an area with food trucks in Mexico that consisted of many different kinds of food such as, Mexican food, Texas-style meat, Japanese ramen, American meals, and vegan plates. My sister saw the playground so she immediately wanted to play instead of eating lunch. She asked for me, but I wanted to take photos of her reaction with the seesaw.

Street Art.

This photo was chosen because it shows someone doing what they love and sharing it with the public. I love people that show their talent to the world because it gives me a little boost of motivation and confidence. I wanted to get everyone's reactions, but there were too many people surrounding him so I just took a photo in between two people and tried to get as much as I can with the camera.

Through the Lights. (Framing)

This was chosen because it shows framing. This is my friend Chon. He is very funny and also a great friend. He sometimes has great ideas for photos, but this, this was accidental. As we were walking under what looks like a piece of metal with lights, it is actually a lit up camel in Santana Row and in the photo was the camel's leg. Chon was just trying to get my attention through the hole, hence the weird face he made, but instead of getting creeped out, I took a picture of him thinking of the composition, framing.

Who's That? (Up Close)

This was chosen because it shows up close. This is my friend Ryan. He is the most used model in our friend group because he has a more defined bone structure between all of us. Although this picture looks planned, it isn't. It is actually a candid photo. I took it because I was assuming my good friend here was checking out a good deal on a shirt, but I'm pretty sure he was checking or looking out for his future girlfriend. Anyway, I like this photo because of how well-focused he was and how the flash on the camera wasn't so harsh on his face.

China Town. (Contrast)

This was chosen because it shows contrast. This is my friend Louis. While we were walking around Santana Row, I spotted this neon sign outside of, what I assume was a Chinese restaurant. I wanted a person that had the most contrast between the sign and it was my friend Louis who was wearing a white hoodie. I knew the sign would bleed the color red and that's exactly what I was looking for. I also had some trouble with this photo because I wanted no flash, but that created a lot of grain and it did not look so great. So I turned on the flash and it turned out better.

'Tis The Season. (Repetition of Shapes)

This was chosen because it shows the repetition of shapes. Santana Row had a Christmas tree set up and I realized it was a great opportunity for repetition because of the ornaments. We expected the tree to be lit up, but it sadly wasn't so I had to use the flash for this because of the low lighting situation. But a couple of days later, we found out on other people’s social media that it does indeed light up. The photo still ended up great so I wasn't as disappointed.


This photo was chosen because it was a great looking candid photo with the string lights going around the tree. On the left is Chon and on the right of him is my friend Reathena. We were waiting on our other friends to get their drinks from a milk tea place called Fantasia in Santana Row. It was really packed inside and hot so we had step out ad catch our breaths. Chon was looking at all the festive light that were set up on the tree above us and Reathena is just on his phone. I saw them chilling on the chairs so I took it as an opportunity to shoot this candid moment.

No Elevators Needed.

This photo was chosen because I love having me and my friends group photos in the portfolio. We are at the top floor of the parking lot and since it was really dark outside so, we decided to take our group photo out on the steps where it had a good amount of lighting. Now you might be wondering who's behind the camera, well no one. This was the scariest part of my day because I had to depend on the tripod not to tip over. The tripod can support 5 - 7 pounds, but it's never for sure. I had it set up on the railing where behind it was the parking lot floor. Luckily I turned the camera back into Mr. McCarthy without any damage. I also had one bar left of charge so we couldn't set ourselves up that well and we all rushed to the steps to take the picture quickly. I had the camera set up for a 7 second timer and it would take 3 photos. This was the longest 7 seconds ever and I was so worried about the camera falling that I forgot to smile.

Created By
Johan Daniel Banez