What is Patterned Light?
Patterned light is a generalized concept used to describe any form of light that enters through a patterned object, allowing some direct light to reach the subject, while the other half is covered by shadows either vertically or horizontally.
Examples of Patterned Lighting:
I have photographed my brother again for patterned lighting this time. I have taken around 15 different photos as examples, but I decided to include three photos from the group that I best feel represent patterned light. Here is a link to my Lightroom album containing the original 15 photo's that are unedited.
My Personal Reflection
For this assignment I found it most challenging to find a good time to photograph my subject since one of the major downfalls with natural light is how the weather can sometimes make it near impossible to capture such photos involving natural lighting. Overall, I am pleased with how my photos turned out for this assignment.