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Explore MPM's Exhibit what will you find?

The moose is a type of deer. It is an herbivore, which means it only eats plants, like twigs and grass. The large nose helps get under snow to find food. Which one is the father? The biggest one with the large antlers! He sheds his antlers once per year. He weighs as much as a small car -- 1,800 lbs!
Does this look like another member of the deer family? Yes. What type of deer does it remind you of? This is a caribou, also known as a reindeer. They have large, spreading hooves that are designed for travel on soft spongy surfaces as well as on ice. They eat mostly grass, leaves of the willow, shrubs, and in winter mostly moss. They dig into the snow with their antlers to find moss to eat.
Although not all people in the Arctic live in igloos, igloos are winter homes for some. Snow blocks are cut with ivory knives and stacked into a circle shape. The doorway is a low archway closed with a skin or fitted slab. Two families usually occupy an igloo. It takes two men approximately six hours to make a large igloo.
Do you see any buildings? Roads? Cars? No... So how do the families get around to do their hunting? With dog sleds! You can see this family just returned from a seal hunt and the dogs look tired. Do you see the mother with her puppies?
Do you see the polar bear? It watches the walrus from a hiding place.
Polar bears ear fish, seals, walrus, leaves and berries of the tundra plants, sea birds, and other animals while wandering. They appear all white, but their skin is actually black. Polar bears have two types of fur to keep them warm and dry. They are also great swimmers and fast runners, and can smell things miles away.
Now, find the walrus. Look at those big tusks! The walrus uses its tusks to dig out clams, shrimp, and plants that grow on the ocean floor, but also to defend itself against the polar bear. Walrus live in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, so how do you think they stay warm? Well, they have a layer of fat, or blubber, that keeps their bodies warm. Walrus are very kind. They will respond to the cry of a distressed animal and will protect an injured member of the herd.


Photos property of Milwaukee Public Museum