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"Being a tradesman is being passionate about what you do" -TYLER MORRIS


Tyler Morris

  • 4th Year ABC Craftmasters Plumbing Apprentice, JRA and Associates
  • Competing for a spot to go to the National Craft Competition.

What made you decide to pursue a career in construction?

"My Dad was in the construction industry. I also got to take plumbing classes in high school and I enjoyed it so I decided to pursue a career in plumbing."

Where do you hope to be in five years?

"To have my journeyman’s and be working for the same company."

What does it take to be a successful apprentice?

"Pay attention to the details and focus on your job."

What is the most valuable thing you have learned through your apprenticeship experience?

"Work hard and learn about new, different things, not just the ones your company does."

Can you describe a typical work day?

"Every day can be different. We all meet up to find out where we’re going for the day. Every job is different, sometimes you’ll be on the same site for a few months, and sometimes it could be a day or a week. I like the variety- we’re not just doing one kind of plumbing, we’re doing all kinds of plumbing."

What do you want people to know about working in the trades?

"If you pick a trade, pick a trade that you’re happy doing. Pick a trade you’re going to work hard in and follow through. Being a tradesman is being passionate about what you do."

How do you feel about being selected to compete for the national craft competition?

"It feels good. We all took the test and we all had the same opportunity to be selected so it means that my hard work has paid off. Success in this industry comes from hard work and paying attention. You have to take all the pieces of what you’ve learned and put it all together. If you can’t put it all together, you can’t get the job done."


Created with images by MichaelGaida - "architecture steel mill factory building old factory" • Wesley Caribe - "Plumbing toolkit items" • Alan Martínez Brito - "Underground pipes" • pisauikan - "pipe pvc tube" • kboyd - "blowtorch flame hot tool soldering burn craft"

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