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September 2019 | Issue XVI


September 21 - Block Party

October 15 - Flu Shot Deadline

Epic Bowls!

On Friday, August 9th, the families staying at RMH-NY started their weekend with delicious Asian-inspired rice bowls donated by Epic Catering. Friday Night volunteers and staff members helped the families create unique bowls filled with different types of rice, chicken, vegetables, and sauces. The crowd favorite was definitely white rice topped with teriyaki chicken and teriyaki sauce. Some of the kids even dared to try the crispy noodles – a first for many of them!

Submitted by Kelly Chu

Princess Party!

Sunday night at The House was extra special thanks to the Gavesend Kiwanis. Not only did they host a feast no kid could turn down, they also handed out Mets jerseys and FDNY coloring/activity books to everyone who was in the dining room that evening. Their spirit was contagious - walking around offering hugs, high fives and most importantly, cookies.

As dinner completed, the night was still just getting started. Two very special guests made their way to the dining room: Princess Anna and Princess Elsa from Frozen!! They took pictures with the kids, engaged in a sing-a-long with Gia. The playlist? Let it Go on repeat. They brought pictures to color, bubbles to pop and even set up a station for face painting.

Sunday scaries? I don’t think so!

Submitted by Leslie Frankin

Clown Party in the Dining Room!

On Sunday August 25th, Carlito’s Wish Foundation hosted a fun Clown Show in the dining room. In addition to dinner, Dallas BBQ and the Ben & Jerry Ice Cream Cart for desert, they brought Clowns who did it all. The clowns face painted, made balloon balloon animals, made the greatest cotton candy, played games, hosted a dance party and for the grand finale they performed a magic show. The families enjoyed the entertainment and had so much fun with these two talented clowns.

Carlito’s Wish Foundation was created in honor of a child Carlito Ottley who passed away in 1992 of Leukemia, by family and friends. The group comes to RMH-NY annually and host a party for the children and visit with the families.

Many thanks to President Guillermo Pascal and all the Volunteers from Carlito’s Wish Foundation for an amazing nonstop fun filled BBQ at RMH-NY.

Submitted by Helena Russo

Oh What a Night!

Wednesday night was full of delicious Mexican food followed by singing and dancing in the living room! RBC capital markets brought in Dos Toros Mexican food which was such a hit at the house. Everyone was very excited about the fresh cuisines and the mass variety of options for their food.

After everyone had finished their dinner they were invited downstairs for a fun treat. The Broadway Classroom team was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the families in the living room. The team started out dancing with the children—there was a dance circle where the children got to teach everyone else their favorite dance move. Later, everyone sang along to some Broadway songs together.

Everyone had the best time singing, dancing and listening to a few current Broadway stars sing their favorite songs. It was such a blast and the families are very excited for more future visits from The Broadway Classroom!

Submitted by Kelly Quane

Dinner and A Movie!

Bernstein served up some delicious burrito bowls and tacos from Dos Toros on Monday night, much to everyone’s great joy.

After dinner, the Monday night volunteer team set up an arts and crafts station in the playroom. While some were mesmerized by the creation of great bouncy balls, others were preparing for the Fall wind by creating beautiful pinwheels.

And, if all this excitement wasn’t enough, the group was also graced with a screening of Disney’s Live Action Aladdin movie.

Submitted by Federica von Erb

Magic Within the Walls

By: Becky Kohberger Wellness Volunteer & Board of Associate’s Member

There was an exact moment I fell in love with the Ronald McDonald house, a moment I understood with my full being the purpose of the house, the effect it had on its visitors, and the magic existing within its walls.

One Monday night, a few minutes into my first personal training session, a new parent came into the center visibly upset. She began crying to Jane loud enough that the other parents and I noticed. All the parents in the room, including the dad I was training, stopped what they were doing and went to the upset women. No one knew her yet, but they gathered around her as she sobbed about her suffering child. “It’s not fair,” I remember her yelling. The other parents held her, offering words of encouragement and sharing their own pains.

The scene blew me away. Jane and I watched in total awe as tears filled our eyes. All these parents, in the worst situations imaginable, huddled together in the middle of the wellness center, supporting each other in a way no one else in the world could was truly incredible. It was during this moment I finally understood it all. It was the most touching display of human compassion I had the honor of witnessing.

From that moment on, I’ve done everything I could to support the house. I joined the Board of Associates, where I offer a unique perspective from my experience volunteering. Sharing my experiences at the house with other board members helps provide insight to the real difference the money we are raising can make.

I never imagined that Mondays could be my favorite day of the week, or that a few hours volunteering could change my life. Training the parents in the Wellness Center and fundraising with the Board of Associates are privileges that fill my soul. It’s an honor to serve the house and I look forward to finishing my MBA so I can dedicate even more of my time to this incredible, life changing organization.