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The Head's Perspective November 2021

Join me for periodic updates from Moorestown Friends School through The Head's Perspective. I hope to connect you with the exciting learning that is taking place every day on our campus, as well as reflections on leadership and education. Please enjoy this snapshot of life at MFS.

Creativity, Collaboration, and Care

After two years of planning and design, MFS finally opened our newly re-envisioned Playscape on November 2. The final months of construction were exciting to follow, as students peered from classroom windows and families had a chance to see the progress up close during drop off and pick up. We couldn't be more pleased with the outcome and look forward to watching the plants grow, changing the landscape and inviting new forms of play in every season.

The Playscape was intentionally designed to invite open-ended play that prompts creativity among students. There is no one way to experience each of the elements on the Playscape, and that has been the greatest joy - watching students challenge themselves, create new games, problem solve, and explore. Perhaps the best example of problem-solving has been the pendulum swing, which is a giant group swing that bounces side to side. Students have to communicate effectively with each other and collaborate meaningfully to get the swing to move and rise to new heights.

I have enjoyed visiting recess these past couple of weeks to see students care for one another and invite others to join in. Kids have come to realize that inviting others to participate brings in new perspectives to solve the problem and experience the fun in new ways. This inclusive approach to play has extended to every element on the space, from field-based play to imaginative play in the Onion Pod, to navigating the log climber. I can't wait to see what students are able to learn from this new space on campus.

Students enjoy the pendulum swing at recess.

Enjoy this video which summarizes the Playscape design process.

Expressing Gratitude

As we end the first quarter in the Middle and Upper School and reach the conclusion of the first trimester in the Lower School, it's the season for conferences, report cards, and check-ins between families and teachers. What is often not seen as easily are the countless hours that faculty put into comment/report writing and one-on-one meetings to help students reach their fullest potential. As we make our way through the third school year impacted by the pandemic, it's important to note how the role of faculty and staff has changed during this complex time. Teachers have creatively tackled the challenge of building community in classrooms, engaged students in deep learning despite the barriers, and communicated with families at a time when there is limited opportunity for parents/guardians to enter the school buildings. On top of it all, the world is experiencing a moment of collective exhaustion as we continue to navigate what sometimes feels like an indefinite end to the pandemic.

Last week as I walked through the halls, I was greeted by messages of thanks from students to faculty and staff. The Upper School students wrote personal letters of gratitude to every teacher. Bulletin boards in multiple divisions reflect students' appreciation for the efforts of the adults in their lives, reminding me how important it is to take a step back and acknowledge the behind-the-scenes efforts that allow our school to function so smoothly during a pandemic.

Lower School students express their thanks.

From the maintenance and housekeeping staff who keep our spaces clean and safe for students, to the SAGE dining hall workers who serve healthy food to our community despite supply-chain issues, to the faculty/staff doubling as health screeners at the doors each morning, the pandemic has placed new demands on school personnel that are well beyond anything we could have imagined two years ago. As we near Thanksgiving, I want to personally thank my colleagues for stepping up in new ways and bringing an optimism and creativity to our work with students that has allowed the MFS community to thrive.

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. (Coretta Scott King)
MFS students and families reconnect with community experiences in big and small ways this school year.

Reflections on Compassion

The last school year was disrupted in such a way that I think we all shared a sense of collective loss for the experiences and relationships that characterized life at MFS. We witnessed incredible acts of compassion and empathy, as community members were impacted in profound ways. We stood ready to support each other.

This school year feels decidedly more normal, and for that, I am grateful. But under the surface, many in our community are still hurting, experiencing loss, or may be struggling with a return to the more typical cadence of school. On top of it all, it is clear that as a human population, we are feeling the cumulative effects of these past two years. More than ever, we are in need of compassion from others to see us through this time.

What I have appreciated most about this school year so far are the incredible ways in which we have been able to reconnect as a community. From Trunk-or-Treat, to Fall Fest, to end-of-season celebrations for our athletic teams, we have welcomed families to campus after what has felt like a long absence. In the coming weeks and months, we hope to continue to bring parents/guardians into more of the day-to-day experiences of school, so that we can strengthen our sense of community and navigate this time together.

Above: Community members collect food for the Thanksgiving Food Drive, which included a visit from the Fox. At left: First graders share who is behind the mask as part of an exploration of identity.

Seeing the Forest Through the Trees

As we approach this season of giving, perhaps you - like me - are searching for ways to help your child acknowledge all the ways in which our families and our global community continue to be impacted by the pandemic. These last two years have prompted me to think more expansively about what I am grateful for and how to model a spirit of giving in my everyday actions.

If you're looking for ways to engage your child in conversations about family and about making a positive impact in the wider world, here are some ideas to get you started:

Support farmers and small business owners around the world by investing in a gift that will sustainably support a family to earn a living wage. Investing in clean water supply or a herd of animals can help support a family for the long term. Heifer International's gift catalog offers a range of ideas. They also provide supporting curriculum that parents and teachers can use to help children learn about topics such as economic development, women's empowerment, and food insecurity.

Heifer International allows you to invest in a sustainable resource to help address poverty and hunger around the world.

Help global reforestation by planting a tree. One Tree Planted allows you to plant trees for a dollar each in almost any part of the world you can imagine. You will get the coordinates of your trees and can follow the impact on reforestation efforts on the communities served. Curriculum is also available in order to learn more about sustainability efforts and the importance of trees to restoring soil health and stabilizing local climates around the world.

Take the opportunity over the holidays to listen to and document your family history and stories. StoryWorth is a service that allows any family member to contribute stories to a shared book. Respond to a prompt each week, including photos, and at the end of the year, StoryWorth will send you a bound keepsake book of your family's history. It's a wonderful way to collaborate and connect with family members to document those stories you want to be sure to remember.

Enjoy connecting with family and capturing stories through photo books.

As we step back from the busy start to the year, I hope you find time to connect with family over the Thanksgiving break. This holiday is often an important milestone in the life of a school year, and I hope that as a community we can take a deep breath and restore ourselves. As we look forward to the continuation of the year, I encourage us all to center ourselves, to settle into a moment of stillness and reflection, and to consider the full meaning of gratitude.

Happy Holidays