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Happy to pay: I have chosen this photo to be in my portfolio because I liked the lighting in the photo plus I also liked the idea of it, I took this photo for rule of thirds/ Framing. I was walking around during a festival and I found this man paying for food while he had a wide smile on his face, I expect the viewer to see happines in this photo. This photo was taken on september 29 at 8:39 during the Egyptian festival in ripon.
Hard work: I have chosen this photo too be in my portfolio because I really like the lighting in the photo, I like how the sun light is hitting the side of her face forming this cool lighting effect on her face, I took this photo for Framing. This photo was taken on September 29, 2019 at 3:55 during the Egyptian festival in ripon. I was walking During the festival and I saw this lady working while the sun light had this really cool effect on her face and she was also in a perfect place for framing photo.
Age Gap: I chose this photo of my friend and her sister while taking there family photo session. I like how the photo describes it self, age doesn't matter when it comes to happiness, I really liked the lighting in this photo and I liked the rule f thirds in it. This photo was taken on Nov 24, 2019 at 4:56.
Walking to success: In this photo you see my brother Andrew walking with a really good lighting on his face. I took this photo for Leading Lines. I chose this picture beaus of the leading line in the back and also because of the lighting. This picture was taken on Nov, 13, 2019 at 3:34 Pm while trying to do a photo session for brother so I can practice on the camera.
Happy bus ride: In this photo you see my friend Mina during a bus ride to LA. I took this photo for Repetition of shapes. We were on a bus ride to LA and my friend asked me to take a picture of him, this photo was taken on Oct 25, 2019 at 2:28 PM.
No Stress: In this you photo you see a kid smiling and running around during our church's LA trip. I was taking some photo for the trip ad this kid saw me shooting pictures and he just came and posed like that infant of the camera and the photo turned out really good, I really like the lighting. I think this photo is rule of thirds. this photo was taken on October 19, 2019, at 10:54 am.
Language don't matter: I took this photo at my church of an Arabic book, I don't care about languages but the meaning of the words is the thing that matters. I took this photo for diagonal lines. this photo was taken on September 29, 2019, at 4:36.
Jag City: This photo was taken on Dec 5 2019 at 9:33 Am. I took this photo during our class activity painting with light, I really like the idea of the photo.
Shade: I took this photo of my partner in the photography class thinking of contrast. I really like the lighting in the photo and the way the photo turned out.
Fly: I took this photo during the Egyptian festival on Sept 28, 2019. I took this photo thinking of framing/ repetition of shape. I really liked the lighting in it that's why I took the photo.
Created By
Mario Shahatah