Protanopia Damion Snodgrass

Protanopia is a condition, mostly in males, that causes a red-green deficiency in seeing colour. Anyone with this condition has a difficult time seeing in the red colour spectrum and has a skewed image of the green colour spectrum.

This is the comparison of the two different colour spectrum.

Why the higher percentage of males?

Protanopia is a X-Linked disease, but it is X-linked Recessive. This means in males, who only have one X-Chromosome, it is easier for the gene to be visible because if it is present it is visible.

Can women still have this deficiency?

It is possible for a woman to have this deficiency, but both parents would have to be a carrier of the gene. The mother would have to pass down the gene for the deficiency, and the father would have to be colour blind.

The different pairs of chromosomes along with the sex chromosomes.


Males have a 1.01% chance of being born with this deficiency while women have a much smaller chance of .02% as researched by

Works Cited

"Is Color Blindness Recessive or Dominant?" New Health Advisor. WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.COM, 17 July 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.

"Protanopia." Hereditary Ocular Disease. Arizona Board of Regents., 2017. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.

"Protanopia – Red-Green Color Blindness." Colblindor. Colblinder, 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.


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