Whether you live nearby in Manhattan, Kansas, or all the way across the globe, the K-State Alumni Association brings Kansas State University to YOU. We want to remind all our alumni and friends what it feels like to be on campus: the camaraderie, sense of family, love for tradition, and – of course – plenty of purple pride.
Here are some of the ways we keep K-Staters connected all year long...
Feeling hungry? We know we'd definitely like to have a big slice of that cherry cobbler!
K-Staters always know how to have a great time at our Alumni Club events, hosted throughout the year. There's always plenty of food, friendship and family fun.
There's nothing like coming home for Homecoming...
Do you remember what the band sounds like as they march through the streets of Aggieville during the big parade? Of course, everyone sings along with the K-State Fight Song!
We love making dreams come true.
We give out scholarships to future K-Staters and help them begin their journey as Wildcats.
There are no better fans than K-State fans.
We help you get hyped on game day with pregame events, watch parties and more.
We don't like to brag...but we're so proud of and passionate about all the great events and programs we have for our alumni, friends and students!
Whether it's an International Block Party for students on campus or a Wabash CannonBall gala to raise money for scholarships, we love bringing people together! We're also honored to be the keepers of tradition, through maintaining our collection of K-State memorabilia or presenting the Official K-State Ring to the next generation of K-Staters.
However, the most important piece of this puzzle is you – we couldn't do any of this without the support of our loyal members. Thank you for helping us spread the K-State spirit...and helping us be who we are.
File photos - K-State Alumni Association