This image was chosen for my portfolio due to the subject's (Joel) condescending look and the angle it was taken from. They both complement each other to create a feeling of superiority towards the viewer. This picture illustrates creative angles and was shot as part of an assignment given by Mr. McCarthy.
The compositional elements depicted in this photo are creative angles and leading lines. The subject in the picture (my brother) went out to practice his shooting after school so I took advantage of the occasion to hopefully capture a fire picture. This picture in particular is one of about 100 other shots that attempted to capture the moment right before ball is kicked which is what I hope viewers see.
This photo depicts leading lines. Both subjects and I decided to randomly pull over on the side of the road and snap a few shots while we were on our way home. What I hope stands out from the picture is the confidence emitted by both girls.
My friend (the subject) hit me up and asked me if I was down for a photoshoot with his car. I accepted, of course, and this became my favorite picture out of the whole shoot because of the shadows on the subject's back side and the way in which the car is positioned. This image also has leading lines.
Every Wednesday I go to a youth group service held at my church. The setting is always concert like so I decided to bring my camera on that particular service and take some pictures of the worship team. The lyrics displayed on the screen and the face expressions on the singers both contemplate each other as well. This picture has symmetry.
This was another photoshoot I did with a friend and it illustrates symmetry. As we scouted for some locations in Downtown Modesto, this setting stood out and took a couple pictures. The lights, door, and greenery combined with the subject's outfit I think all serve each other well. The tones in the overall image are also something I appreciate.
This photo shows shape repetition and possibly rule of thirds. The bikes and the general posture are all alike therefore creating repetition of shapes. This picture was taken as part of an assignment given by Mr. McCarthy involving motion.
This photo demonstrates shape repetition as well. What makes a break in that repetition though is the unfortunate ugly tree located on the left. The reason I believe this image is good personally is because of the time it was taken at. It was about 10pm and made about 10 attempts at taking a 30 second long exposure. This was the only photo that came out alright.
This photo illustrates motion. The picture was taken in the morning at a rapid attempt of capturing pictures in motion as an assignment that was due that same day. I was not a huge fan of this picture at first because of how blurry the car came out but looking at it now, I think the blurriness and the natural flares actually add some character to the overall image.
This picture illustrates several compositional elements including symmetry, leading lines, and motion. The picture was part of a photoshoot I did with the subject. Her smile and posture were spontaneous as I was walking behind her which is a reason for why I like it.