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Pro: Students should have to get vaccinated before enrolling in school

Most individuals get a shot at their yearly checkups. Whether it be for measles, polio, tetanus, or rabies, once a good amount of Americans reach adulthood, they’ve racked up a fair amount of immunizations on their medical records. But the frightening idea that it is now dangerous to vaccinate against these fatal diseases is becoming more widespread when in actuality, it is entirely necessary to vaccinate children upon their enrollment in school.

It is unacceptable that diseases that could be so easily eradicated off the face of the earth still remain. Besides countries without the funds and means necessary to obstruct the spread of these pathogens, all able countries should have all its future and present citizens up to date with their immunizations. It is senseless and selfish to willingly opt out of vaccination. Unless one is physically unable to receive a vaccination, every single person should be unable to disseminate or contract a dangerous disease.

Polio is a disease of which its vaccine does not carry any crucial nor imminent repercussions. According to the CDC, “The polio shot is very safe and is effective at preventing polio. Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. These are usually mild and go away on their own.” The polio vaccination is entirely safe, and a government-sanctioned website denotes this fact, so why is polio, and not to mention countless other early diseases, claiming and devastating new lives due to misconceptions people are choosing to believe? Why should parents have to worry about their children going to school and contracting diseases like polio?

Colleges in certain states do not require their students to be vaccinated, and even then, some are able to opt-out. It is shocking that unvaccinated children are only required to be immunized when there is an outbreak of disease. Up to date and necessary vaccinations should indefinitely be a requirement one must fulfill upon enrollment in any level of school.

Story by Emma Brogna

Photo by Emma Brogna

Con: Students should not have to get vaccinated before enrolling in school

In a time where the citizens of the United States are speaking out more than ever, a wide range of protests and arguments have emerged. One of the most recent and contradicting arguments is whether or not vaccines should be mandatory in schools. The debate on vaccines in general has caused an uproar from both sides of the argument. Although many ‘anti-vaxers’ have claimed vaccines cause autism, it has been proven that vaccines don't; and it is the parents choice to accept the risks of the side effects that vaccines have been proven to cause.

Medical decisions for children should be in the hands of their parents or guardians, not the school board or the government. Diving a bit deeper into the subject, mandatory vaccines infringe on our constitutionally protected religious rights. Some religions including conservative and orthodox Judaism oppose vaccinations.Therefore, forcing vaccinations on those who follow their religion is going directly against their constitutional rights.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) every vaccination can cause anaphylactic shock as well as rashes, hives and in some cases seizures. About 30,000 cases of adverse reactions have been reported since 1990; 10-15% of the cases being classified as serious and or life threatening. The majority of the population is vaccinated. With that being said, everyone who isn't immunized is protected by something called “herd immunization“. With the majority of people being protected, the unvaccinated people cause no harm to anyone and should choose whether or not to get vaccinated.

All 50 states require mandatory immunization in school age children, and only 15 states accept waivers for moral, personal or other beliefs. Although no mandatory federal law exists to vaccinate children, the majority of U.S. have decided to no longer accept philosophical reasonings and would rather force a child to go against their religious and or personal beliefs. This in itself sounds horrible on paper but is even worse in real life. There is no actual reason for vaccinations to be mandatory.

Story by Hailey Jacobsen

Photo courtesy of Mel Melcon/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Design by Leni Steinhardt

Disclaimer: These are not the opinions of The Eagle Eye editorial board but the opinions of the individual reporters.


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