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February 2020 @BVNLibrary Some new Digital Citizenship lessons, some new partnerships, and a whole lot of research! REad on to learn more!



Ceramics students learning about slip molding designed 3D cups in TinkerCAD. After the cups were printed, they made molds and plaster casts!


Students in AVID 9 used our board game collection from a BVEF grant to practice teamwork, direction following, collaboration and communication. They had an awesome time learning to play new games.


Students in Ms. Salimbene's Sociology classes learned digital citizenship and organization skills as they practiced note taking and research skills. This activity helped students learn to be organized as they research and take meaningful notes as they read.

AP Lit

AP Lit students practiced creating properly formatted MLA Annotated Bibliographies as they researched and read about their paper topics. This activity was very valuable and helpful as they received a lot of feedback and will use the annotated bibliography while writing their research paper.

Digital Citizenship

Students in Mr. Daigle's and Mrs. Hire's Connections classes learned about digital citizenship by working on a design challenge. How might we help parents help their students with online bullying? Students came up with amazing ways to help parents!
Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by NeONBRAND - "untitled image" • Christopher Paul High - "Board game in early evening sunlight. " • Jo Szczepanska - "Learning about bike share" • Praveen Gupta - "Lost in Books" • CoWomen - "untitled image"


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