Upcoming Dates at a Glance
More information regarding these events can be found below with links. All events are subject to change with COVID -19 restrictions, but are still on the calendar at the time of publishing this newsletter.
- Virtual Merit Badge Class...................................May 26 or 27
- Eagle Board of Review.........................................June 16
- Virtual Cub Scout Training.................................June 16 and 18
- YPT virtual training June....................................June 23
- YPT virtual training July......................................July 11
- Virtual Cub Scout Training.................................July 14 and 16
- Eagle Board of Review.........................................July 21
A Note from DE, Tori Smith
Hello volunteers, parents, and friends of Thunderbird District,
I am sure by now everyone has gotten word that due to the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19, GSLAC have made the difficult decision to cancel our traditional camp operations this summer. Instead, we will open many of our summer camp facilities to individual families to enjoy the great outdoors safely with self-guided family camping and day trip activities. Reservations will be limited to support proper social distancing and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
I know how much we all were hoping for an exciting and successful summer camp season especially as a relief from the social distancing guidelines. I was reminded today after reading a post from a volunteer in Thunderbird District how disheartening it is to hear this news. The council's management team worked tirelessly week to week to develop alternate ways to allow camp to happen while assuring the safety of every youth and adult. This COVID-19 situation is very fluid and as we've seen evolving daily.
I want to encourage everyone to please take advantage of the camping facilities with your families! Find gaps in your schedule to take your kids to camp. Be creative, be realistic, but all in all find a silver lining through it all. My roommates and I took advantage of an afternoon and got to enjoy Camp Joy, recently!
More information will be forth coming, but if anyone has questions in the meantime please reach out to me. I am here to help you and my heart goes out to all those who feel deeply saddened by this news.
Yours in Scouting,
Tori 😊
You can still get out and enjoy camps this summer! The Outdoor Family Experience is a safe and socially distant way to camp this summer. Whether you choose an overnight campsite ($25 per family, per night), a Day Pass ($10 per family, per day), or a cabin (price varies by cabin), your family will have access to hiking, fishing, and other natural features of camp. Additional staffed programs like boating and horseback rides will be available for additional fees at certain camps. You can see all the available activities and options in the registration. Click here for link to Outdoor Family Experience
District News:
Summer Camp Refund Process
To facilitate the 2020 Summer Camp refund process, there are two distinctly different processes. One is for CUB SCOUTS and the other is for SCOUTS BSA and Venturing
The process will begin on May 26th, when you will receive an email inviting you to complete an online form regarding how you would like your 2020 camp registration and fees processed. To complete that form, please have your registration number(s) available. Once you have submitted the form, a member of our council staff will process your registration and fees based on your selections. If needed, you may be contacted to confirm your requests.
Open registration for 2021 summer camp will open on July 1, 2020 at 9:00 AM. Please note this is the new date for open registration and takes the place of the previously advertised date of September 14, 2020. Units that opt to not keep their 2021 reservation for the same week, camp, and campsite may select a new week and camp at this time.
Activities and Camping
National Camp-In Patch COMING SOON!
The BSA National Camp-In was an amazing experience! What would any Scouting event be without a patch? Check out the special Limited Edition National Camp-In patch. Make sure to reserve your patch while you still can. Patches $ 2.99 each. https://www.scouting.org/campin/
Virtual camping from Crew 4
On Saturday, May 2nd, Crew 4 had a camp in with visitors from Troop 4.
Crew 4 did a Zoom call campfire at the Camp in! Jen, advisor of Crew 4, started the chat with the help of her son Chris Troop 4. She even got her husband Tom to join in by bribing him with marshmallows and chocolate bars!
Scott from Troop 4 and his wife attended at there daughter Melissa’s house. Kenny & Melissa are both advisors.
Other happy scouting faces include Sarah, Katie, Jared, Brendan and Chris.
Another Camp In
Collin B of troop 179 had his own Camp In. It included bb-gun shooting, a foil pack dinner, and reading bonfire stories. Way to go, Collin!
Scoutfest 2020
"ScoutFest will not be cancelled. If, due to safety concerns related to COVID-19 (which we are monitoring closely), we need to postpone ScoutFest to a later date, we will promptly advise everyone of the new date. If conflicts prevent participants from attending the event on the new date, all registration fees will be fully refunded upon request. So spread the word and continue to register for ScoutFest 2020!"
Go on-line to https://www.scoutfest2020.com/ and complete your registration for ScoutFest.
Advancement and Recognition
Eagle Board Meetings
We will still meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but will do so remotely. "Remotely" does necessitate the Scout to physically mail or electronically mail Eagle paperwork to Chris Hohn, Eagle Chair, so the paperwork is in his possession two days before the meeting. The Board will then proceed with its usual approval process, although remotely. Chris Hohn can be contacted at: chohn@thompsoncoburn.com
Hold a Virtual Rank-up
Pack 51 held a virtual Rank-up so all scouts could be recognized for their achievements. It was a lot of organization, but it was impressive! If you would like more information on how to recognize your scouts this way, contact Tim Kalhorn, stlbsapack51@gmail.com
How to conduct a Virtual Merit Badge Class - May 26 and 27
This training will provide merit badge counselors with information to present merit badges digitally through a Zoom interface. Tips and helpful management information will be provided to streamline merit badge presentations and enable a successful course. https://scoutingevent.com/312-2020howtodovirtualmbclass
Upcoming Badge Workshops:
Merit Badge Skill Centers
All dates subject to change due to COVID-19
- Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
- Chess - June 6, Aug 15, Oct 25, Dec 19
- Citizenship in the Nation - July 21
- Dog Care - Dec. 5
- Scuba Diving - workshops online
- Shot Gun Merit Badge Skill Days - June 13, Aug. 8
- Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register: https://stlbsa.org/achievement/advancement/merit-badge-skill-centers/
The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to mobot.org\scouts
NOAC 2020 Cancelled
Swift Base 2020 - Cancelled
STEM Summer Programs
Virtual STEM Fair 2020
Calling all Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers! Conduct your own experiment from home and have it judged by STEM experts in a virtual competition. Register for free. Deadline for registration is July 1st. List all youth participants in the project. Every participant will receive an event patch. For more information click here.
2020 Cub Scout Camp NOVA - 7/20/2020 - 7/23/2020 Four fun nights of STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering and Math for our Cub Scouts to enjoy at Cub World! Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and siblings going into 2nd grade and up are welcome! Earn 2 Novas (Swing and Tech Talk) and participate in fun, outdoor STEM learning. https://scoutingevent.com/312-campnova2020
Scouts BSA STEM week - 7/19/2020 - 7/25/2020 STEM Week is an extraordinary experience for Scouts BSA full of many STEM based merit badges and activities. Scouts will attend one merit badge (close to 40 to choose from!) or one NOVA class each day. Afternoon and evenings will include other fun STEM programs and exhibits to experience. https://scoutingevent.com/312-STEMCamp
STEM on CAMPus - June, 2020. Webster University or SEMO. Go to the website for more information: https://stlbsa.org/activities/other-activities/stem/stem-summer-programs/
Ranken Summer Adventure Academies - Summer camps designed specifically for middle school and high school aged Scouts. Participants will have the opportunity to work with college instructors to earn an Auto Maintenance, Electricity, and/or Plumbing Merit Badge while enjoying the college experience, to include hands-on activities in state-of-the-arts labs and dining in the college café. https://ranken.edu/event/scout-bsa-merit-badge-camps/
Adult leaders in units are considered trained, and eligible to wear the official Trained emblem, once they have completed Youth Protection Training and the training courses pertaining to your role. For more information, visit scouting.org/training.
2020 Cub Scout Leader Training - Virtual
Join a live trainer in a virtual meeting via Zoom. This will be a 2 day training for 2 hours each day on June 16th and 18th or July 14th and 16th. At the end of both sessions your training record will be updated to reflect completed training for Den Leader, Committee Challenge, and Cubmaster.
When you sign up you are signing up for both classes. Attendance of both classes is required to receive class credit.
- June 16&18 training Sign up here
- July 14&16 training Sign up here
2020 Youth Protection Training- Virtual
True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety.
Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers. It is a joining requirement, and continued membership requires that it be retaken every two years.
- Sign up for the June 23rd training here.
- Sign up for the July 11th training here