None of the work we do could ever be accomplished without the help of dedicated members like you. If I had magical powers, I would send every Citizen Action member a hug, and their very own DVD copy of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Since this isn’t possible, we will begin spotlighting members for their awesome contributions. This week, we’re spotlighting four awesome members from the New York City Chapter.
Joseph Sellman- Board member for the RJ committee has been a member for 2 years now. Really stepping up in the efforts with the Right to know Act. He has Represented Citizen Action when and wherever he goes all around the country and State.
Mindy Rosier- Our newest New York City Board Member. She has a great background in education issues and is one of our best champions of education justice! She has also lead many of the Bernie grassroots efforts in the City! #FeelTheBern
Margaret Segall- One of CA NYC longtime members! She does it all! From Fair Elex work to Standing with Verizon workers on Strike! She is a NYC and State Board member. She has taken the lead on several campaign efforts including this year with Paul Newell for State Assembly.
Ruthly Cadestin- Our youngest board member, but by far one of the hardest working. She is the Co-Chair for the SEJ committee and is always getting others involved! She makes sure the NYC organizer is doing his job and keeps him accountable! Always in great spirits and has the heart of a Champion!