Research Process
Students began by completing a current issues opinion poll as an idea generator for their research topic. Then they completed topic selection, preliminary research using library databases, and thesis writing to continue their work. These activities all actively contributed to their final paper and students did an excellent job of working through these tasks during remote learning. They completed the process by taking notes and writing rough drafts that were peer edited.
We asked students to complete a survey about their research process experience. Students did an awesome job providing feedback for us to improve our practice!
Field Biology
Students in Mr. Ollig's Field Biology classes worked with librarians to create charts about data they observed while in the field. Students used a new tool called Visual Paradigm to create the charts. Mr. Ollig and Mrs. Cornelius used multiple zoom breakout rooms as a strategy to help students. One room was for quiet work, one was for small group help, and one room was for individual questions. Mr. Ollig handled the individual questions while Mrs. Cornelius helped the small group.
ELA 11 Research
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