Looking at the busy streets of San Francisco, senior Sean Gutowski waits nervously for the upcoming mock trial scrimmage. Sean's dark figure contrasts the bright and vibrant natural light pouring through the window.
Because the large widows let in an abundance of natural daylight, I was prompted to pick up the camera to capture images of my teammates around me. The city background also provided a unique background, as I typically take photos around Modesto. The location and lighting provided an opportunity to take a photo unlike my others.
Touched by the colors of autumn, this photo reflects the changing seasons as the leaves begin to transition from a yellow to orangish color. Here, the technique of moving up close to your subject was utilized. The red color complements the dark eyes.
This image was unknowingly taken in someone's front yard. After wandering through orchards searching for desirable backgrounds, we stumbled across a beautiful garden. I then proceeded to shoot photos of my sister and her friend, especially because the beautiful trees created colorful images.
As the colors of the leaves on slowly transitioned to a vibrant yellow, the single yellow leaf contrasted with the green background. Also, as the oranges slowly grew on the tree, the orange tint highlighted to main yellow leaf.
I took this picture because as I went into the backyard, I noticed the changing colors; therefore, I felt inclined to capture the varying leaves. I focus primarily on the yellow lead because it provided the most vibrant pop of color within the image.
As the beautiful colors of fall began to emerge, I was inclined to take pictures of my friend who's shirt matched the vibrant yellow that painted the leaves. Because this image contains a stunning yellow color, I included it in the portfolio because it portrayed a color that is particular to one season. The leaves frame the subject's, Sofia, figure and her light skin contrasts the yellow leaves.
Driving past the empty lot off of Kiernan and Dale, I was often curious as to what it contained. I decided to take pictures in this lot because it contained trees with beautiful leaves. I came to this lot with the intention of taking pictures, especially pictures that contained this particular yellow hue.
Neighboring my grandpa's house, a driveway serves as a leading line to the subject of the photo: a house. The pathway of the driveway leads the viewer's eyes to the end of the pathway. The house is also nicely framed by the following trees.
As I went on a walk through the neighborhood, I was inclined to pick up my camera due to the opportunity to take a leading lines image. I took several pictures of the area surrounding my grandpa's property, but the compositional elements at play in this image caused it to stand out.
In this image, Junior Evelyn Fahlen's face is framed by the two trees surrounding her. The tan hues in this image cause the subject's complexion to be especially striking.
Moments before this image was captured, I walk walking through a forest with my sister. The bright sunlight in conjunction with a layer of trees caused the lighting to be especially nice. I took this image to capture the vibrant colors and clear focus the lighting provided for.
In this image Senior Water Polo player, Brooke Fields, poses for a "move up close" image. Prior to this image, I asked Brooke what she enjoys most about waterpolo. This moment depicts her lost in thought as she ponders over her favorite aquatic memories.
I took this image because aquatic sports permit some of the prettiest pictures due to the vibrant blue background associated with nearly all water related images. Brooke's blue eyes and blue bathing suit also complemented the blue tone of this image nicely.
In this image, rule of thirds is utilized. As the JV boys waterpolo teamed warmed up, one of the boys got high out of the water to take a shot. At this moment, I took the image for it depicted a powerful moment for a waterpolo player.
I chose to shoot pictures during the warm up because it is easy to capture a clear subject. Often during intense games, the subject gets muddled by the other players around him, as they reach to steal the ball. Additionally, the eyes of the other players lead the viewer to the subject as the viewer is inclined to look where other figures in the image are looking.
In this image, diagonal lines are utilized. The diagonals found in the above telephone wires cause the viewer to notice the natural beauty of the image. Additionally, it draws more attention to the nearly silhouetted figures who are hiking up the road.
At my grandpa's 80th birthday party, I felt inclined to take pictures as we went on an afternoon walk because it wasn't common for my entire family to be together, as we live in many different places. This image depicts the different conversations groups and captures the beauty of family along with the beauty of the great outdoors.
Here, my mother is framed by the rusting window as she holds a yellow dandelion up to the squares. The red in her hair and her brown jacket complement the rustic vibe of this image.
In this image, my mother holds up a dandelion to the square frames because she wanted to help take a framing picture of the flower. Rather than take the picture of the flower, I decided to shoot an image of her, for she was unaware that I was taking a picture. Her unaware composure adds to the relaxed nature of the image.