
Black Creek Fort Erie

Fort Erie is situated on the extreme east tip of the Niagara Peninsula, directly across the Niagara River from Buffalo, New York. Originally settled by Loyalists forces in the late 1700's, the town has been responsible for much of the history in the establishment of Canada as a sovereign nation, defending the country from American advances. The abundant forests and location along Black Creek fostered a large timber and mill trade. Today, it is home to many cottages and mansions. The Black Creek is a very interesting paddle, from the tee off to the Beaver Creek, the flat grasslands of the International Country Club of Niagara, the United Empire Loyalist Conservation Area, and stretching all the way to the Stevensville Conservation Area, you can do this trip 10 times and still discover new things.

Launch Sites:

The launch is on the banks of the Niagara River. There is a small parking lot and the dock below is about a 30M walk. To find this launch, enter 13313 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S6 into your GPS.

The Parking Lot
The Dock
Loading up

Trip Length:

After launching from the dock into the Niagara River, you need to head south. If you see this tree, it is to the North. A word of caution, the precipice of Niagara Falls is also to the North. Do not go North unless you know the area well! :)

A giant weeping willow beside the dock.

After a short paddle South, you will see this bridge, which is the entrance to the creek.

One of the coolest bridges I have ever found.
What a view into the creek!
The creek near the Niagara River

The creek has bright blue-green water, with hue houses lining the North bank.

Some cool footbridges in the Conservation Area.

Once you get past the houses, you paddle through a golf course and a very interesting Conservation Area. I am pretty sure you can make it all the way through town. The day I went there was a pretty big storm rolling in, so I decided to head back before I made it. I am definitely going to attempt this in 2017.

A huge heron taking off.
This is what the second leg of the creek looks like.
I found this guy on the way back.

Cost: $0.

Difficulty: The Niagara River stretch, although short warrants extreme caution. Make sure you are prepared and you know which direction you need to go to find the mouth of the creek. Once you enter the creek, the water is flat and peaceful. I am not sure if there are currents or floods in the spring or after heavy rain, so use caution. As always, use proper safety gear on any trip.

Created By
Kayak Ontario

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