Dear Students/Families/Caregivers,
I am proud to share that we have had a tremendously successful first week of school! It has been wonderful to see the beautiful faces smiling through the screen. Next week we will begin our Pod Learning schedule in which students will be at Jardon working on their IEP goals and objectives in the afternoons twice a week. If your student is not participating, we have lots of exciting learning opportunities to access online. Please contact me if you have any concerns, questions or wonderings. I am happy to assist with anything you may need so that our Jardon Community is 100% engaged. You have my promise that our staff is dedicated to providing our students with an outstanding education! We are committed to providing students and families with learning options that will accommodate each individual student as we move forward.
Megan Papasian-Broadwell
pod learning Student Expectations
Students will exit the bus and enter Jardon School through Door 30.
Students' temperatures will be taken using a Therma Scan upon entry into Jardon.
Students will be greeted by the assigned job coach.
Students will utilize hand sanitizer (appropriate usage will be monitored by the job coach).
Students will wear masks during Pod Learning. If a student is unable to wear a mask due to their disability or for medical reasons, please contact
Students will follow directional arrows located on the floor to their assigned locker. Job coaches will escort each individual student to the assigned locker. Assigned lockers will be identified with students’ names.
Students will be provided a daily schedule that is laminated. The following information will be provided in a format appropriate to the student’s IEP goals and objectives: Job - name, location, time, duties
Students will follow directional arrows to assigned Job Location.
Students will use hand sanitizer upon entering the job location (appropriate usage will be monitored by job coach)
Students will be given all appropriate work materials
Students will have a job coach - 1:1/1:2 ratio
Students will be required to follow social distancing guidelines
Job Coaches will escort each individual student to the assigned locker. Students will retrieve all personal belongings.
Students will follow directional arrows located on the floor to Door 30 for exit.
Students will utilize hand sanitizer (appropriate usage will be monitored by the job coach) prior to entering the bus.
Restroom Usage: Students will use the restrooms adjacent to the Lobby area. After use, the building custodian will thoroughly clean the restroom area.
Classroom Cleaning: Custodial staff will thoroughly clean each area and sanitize with Clorox 360 Machine every evening.
Signage: Appropriate signage will be placed in strategic areas at Jardon School to remind students of walking direction, hygiene and social distancing. Job coaches will utilize signage to remind students of appropriate worksite behavior.
Important Information to Help Start the School Year
First Day of School:
On Tuesday, September 1st you can expect the caseload teacher to send an introduction letter which provides a link to the Google Classrooms/Seesaw that will be used this year as the virtual platform for all student learning. Whether in-seat or learning virtually, students and teachers will use this ‘one stop shop’ for all learning materials and Zoom invitations. Log into Google Classroom and you will find the student schedule.
Safety Comes First!!!
It is our mission that when our students join us for POD learning and/or return to in-seat learning we provide an environment that is clean and safe. Jardon/Webb Center Programs will follow all safety guidelines provided by the Oakland County Health Department. For the complete plan go to the The Road Map that is posted on the Hazel Park Website along with the powerpoint presentation that was shared with the Board of Education and the Hazel Park Community. This plan has been developed with input from our surveys, our stakeholder committee, and the Governor’s Return to School Road Map. It is important to remember that we will need to continue to remain flexible as the phases change in Oakland County. The safety of our students and staff is at the forefront of our decisions and guidance from the State and our local health department changes frequently
School Supplies:
All required supplies will either be provided by the school or will be simple things that students can find at home to enhance their learning. If there are special supplies that are needed for learning Jardon/Webb Center Programs will provide all items through delivery during remote learning.
Emergency Cards:
Enclosed is an emergency card. Please be sure to fill this card out completely. The emergency contacts you list on the card will be the only people authorized to have contact with the student at school or have the ability to pick them up. Emergency cards can be turned in via mail, in-person drop off or email (take a picture of the document and send to
When in-person school is permitted your resident school district will provide curb-to-curb transportation as it is outlined in the IEP. When outside job sites and community based instruction is permitted HPS will provide transportation. If your student attends POD learning sessions the resident school district will provide transportation as outlined in the IEP.
Nursing Services:
Jardon/Webb Center Programs will offer nursing services for students during both virtual and in-seat learning. Karen Dolinski is the nurse assigned to Jardon (
LaNiece Pritchett is the nurse assigned to Webb (
All medications must be kept in the office. Students may not carry medications on their person, this includes over the counter medication. If a student needs to take medication during the day, a medication form must be filled out by the student’s doctor and it will be kept on file in the office. All medications must be in the pharmaceutical bottle and include:
- Student’s name
- Name of medication
- Dosage of medication to be given
- Frequency of administration
- Route of administration
- Name of physician ordering medication
- Date of prescription
- Expiration date
Dress Code:
Please review the dress code below. Dress code is applicable both in-person and virtual learning:
- No obscene, vulgar words or images
- No hats, bandanas, or head coverings (with the exception of religious items)
- Shorts/skirts 5” from top of knee
- No bare midriffs
- Strapless, backless, spaghetti straps, tank or halter tops are not allowed unless covered by a sweater, shirt or jacket.
- No see through, low cut or revealing clothing is allowed.
- No bedroom slippers or pajamas
Work Uniforms:
Depending on a student’s work assignment, they may be required to wear a company shirt and/or a specific color pants or shirt. We will communicate this with families prior to a student starting the job site so that the student will be prepared. If a student does not have the required dress for that employer, they will not be permitted to attend the job site that day.
Student’s electronics are not to be seen or used while attending school. Students may use electronic devices on the way to or from school if headphones are used.
Created with images by Edurne Chopeitia - "Foggy mountain trail with trees" • Masaaki Komori - "untitled image"