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Temple Building Reminders

With Covid cases on the rise, it’s important that we all adhere to Temple policies to keep our staff and each other safe:

  • Do not come if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, even if you think it is only a cold.
  • Always wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
  • Call first to let the office know you are coming. Only one visitor in the office at a time.
  • Respect social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.


Rabbi Randy Sheinberg


Our Faithfulness Will Pay Off

  • I have to admit it - I am not really looking forward to Passover this year. Not only because our congregational seder will once again be done virtually instead of in person, but also because it is the first of the “second time around”; the first holiday which we will have celebrated virtually twice. It is thus a stark reminder that we have been living with the coronavirus and the pandemic shutdown for more than a year. Passover is the festival of liberation, yet I feel still trapped in this new way of life. And I am sure I am not alone in that feeling. I know, more and more of us are getting our vaccinations, and that as we do we are closer to the end of this shutdown. Yet even so, sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel feels as far away as it ever did.
  • How do we sustain faith and hope when we feel stuck?
  • I turn to stories for help. This one is from Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen’s wonderful book, My Grandfather’s Blessings. I have condensed it a bit:
  • Remen writes: “Carefully he explained to me that life is everywhere, hidden in the most ordinary and unlikely places.” I was delighted. “And all it needs is water, Grandpa?” I asked him. Gently he touched me on the top of my head. “No, Neshume-le. All it needs is your faithfulness.” (My Grandfather’s Blessings, pp 1-2)
  • I love this story, for it reminds me not to despair or give up hope. It may seem like we are stuck in an endless winter of isolation, estranged from loved ones and our beloved community. However, we must have faith that there is something growing beneath the surface, even if we cannot yet see it - and at any moment it may appear. At some point, perhaps when we least expect it, new life will break through just as naturally as Spring’s shoots appear when the season changes.
  • Sometimes renewal happens on its own. Yet at other times, it needs our attention to come forward. Rachel’s seeds would never have sprouted were it not for her diligent attention to them, even when she doubted that her attention was having any impact.
  • What do you need to be faithful to in order to bring about renewal? Perhaps the vigilance of continuing to wear a mask and socially distance, despite the inconvenience and our weariness. Perhaps a daily ritual that brings you hope – prayer or a regular walk or listening to a favorite song. Keep doing what you are doing, even when it feels like you may be doing it in vain. The faithfulness will pay off.
  • At the end of March, Passover will arrive. As we dip the sprigs of parsley into the salt water, I will be thinking about little Rachel and her cup of dirt. I will imagine that the green sprouts I am tasting came from her cup. Watered daily by faithfulness, they will be a symbol of the ever-present potential for new life all around us, and for our ability to make it manifest.

Wishing you a season of renewal, hope, and faith!

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Renewal, Change, and Growth

  • How can Spring be right around the corner? As I sit writing this, there is snow on the ground, there’s a fire in the fireplace, and I keep filling my mug with hot tea to warm me up. At this time of year, it seems we are all ready for our winter blues to turn into Spring flowers…I know I definitely am! It has been almost a year that we have been staying close to home and missing our friends and family. Yet as Spring approaches so does the hope that we will be together in-person soon, smelling the fresh air, watching the flowers bloom, and enjoying the sunshine.
  • Spring is also when we celebrate Passover. I have always enjoyed the ritual of Passover spring-cleaning. I take the time to not only clean my kitchen, but to also clean my soul – to reflect on how I have been treating others in my life and where I can do better. I focus on getting rid of the “extras” and being more present for those I care about.
  • This Spring, I will think about the gifts I have been given this year. Even among the chaos and disruption of 2020, there has been good. I cherish eating dinner as a family every night, taking long walks in my neighborhood (and exploring new ones), and cooking new recipes with my kids among other things.
  • I also cherish how we have been able to keep up with Temple life, even when we cannot gather in-person. I have come to really enjoy our Friday night ZOOM Shabbats and chat rooms. If you have not had the opportunity to join an oneg chat group after services I highly recommend it. I feel I have gotten to know many of you better and created a stronger bond with my Temple Family.

I am grateful for the gift of Spring, and I am grateful for the gift of my Temple Family!

religious school

Education Director


The March Equinox is Upon Us!

  • February was a brief yet active month! We started with our Grade 6/7 Service, followed by our Jewish Disabilities Month speaker, Alyson Gerber who led our classes in discussions of invisible disabilities and after our President’s Week Break, our Gala Purim Shpiel and Religious School Purim Program.
  • In March we look forward to celebrating Passover with our Virtual School-wide Model Seder and (weather permitting) an outdoor Passover Havdallah Program.
  • In March, we will also celebrate our first B’nai Mitzvah of the year! Congratulations to the Domeny and Richards Families on the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter and granddaughter Rebecca on March 6th & Congratulations to the Gries Family on the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son Benjamin on March 13th.
  • Please join us on March 19th for our Family Service which will be led by our 4th and 5th Graders. The following students are participating: Grade 4: Gabriela Escobar, Jaci Gries, Abigail Horowitz, Asher Samuels, and Hunter Stern. Grade 5: Lucas Baker, Emily Geller, Benjamin Golbig, Sarah Hersh, Austin Lefkof, Leah McCorey, Justin Strobel, Abigail Wainberg, and Aaron Weisser.
  • March Events: March 6th - Rebecca Domeny’s Bat Mitzvah at 10:15am • March 7th - Parent Event: Blessing of a Child at 9:45am • March 13th - Benjamin Gries’ Bar Mitzvah at 10:15am & Outdoor Havdallah at 4:00pm • March 14th - Daylight Savings Begins & Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:45am • March 19th - Grades 4/5 Family Service at 7:30pm • March 20th - Start of Spring & Junior Congregation at 9:30pm • March 21st - Religious School Model Seder at 9:30am • March 26th - Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm • March 28th - Religious Closed through April 10th / Religious School Resumes on April 11th

While it is hard to believe with all the snow on the ground as I write this article, Spring will begin in late March. And with the warmer weather, I am looking forward to spending more in-person time with all of you in April and May.

mazel tov to Rebecca Domeny!

Bat Mitzvah - Saturday, March 6th 2021

My name is Rebecca, aka Becky and I am a 7th grader at NHP Memorial High School. I live with my parents Lori and Joe, and I have a sister, Jennifer. I especially enjoy family time with my grandmother, Phyllis Richards. My hobbies include baking, watching YouTube, and shopping. Some of my favorite things are bubble tea, my iPhone, and spending time with family and friends. I am very excited to become a Bat Mitzvah! This lifecycle event means that I am becoming a more mature adult. I strive to be more independent in my schoolwork and activities, and I am proud to report that I am making good progress! My Bat Mitzvah Project focuses on understanding and sharing strategies to decrease and manage bullying in my peer group.

mazel tov to benjamin gries!

Bar Mitzvah - Saturday, March 21sr 2021

  • Hello members of the Tikvah Congregation and Shalom!
  • My name is Benjamin Gries and on 3/13/21 I will become a Bar Mitzvah! It has been quite a journey this year and I am excited and relieved to be reaching my goal.
  • A little about myself: I live with my mom, my dad, my sister Jaci - who also is in Hebrew School, and my brother Harry - who will start Hebrew School next year. We have two cats, Ping and Leo. I really love expressing myself through art and music; I like to paint and sketch; and I play the saxophone. I also enjoy playing basketball with my friends and I am excited that I was able to start scrimmages again this winter. When I am unable to see my friends in person, I like playing video games and connecting on Xbox. I am especially interested in material engineering and design; one day, I would like to pursue a career designing air and spacecraft.
  • Coincidentally, my love of building, design, and art is reflected in the Torah and Haftarah portions I will be reading on the 13th, which involve the construction of the Mishkan. My Bar Mitzvah Project involves collecting books and magazines from family and friends and distributing them to several nursing homes. In closing, as I approach my Bar Mitzvah, which coincides with the anniversary of the quarantine here in New York, I am reminded of the sacrifices we have made in this past year to remain safe and healthy. Yet, I am filled with hope and joy that we may begin to soon congregate together and in person, once again in our beautiful Temple.



The Season of Rebirth & Hope

  • As we approach the season of Passover…we often picture in our minds the buds of Spring, mother nature's whisper that warmth and rebirth of all those dormant flowers are on their way. It may have felt like an especially long Winter, cooped up inside during the cold months with little ones itching to explore, and unable to fill our houses with friends and family. Last Passover was the first holiday that we were unable to gather with all whom we love. It is hard to believe that we near a second Passover where we face the same struggle. However, rebirth and hope are nearer with vaccines blooming and a sense that we inch closer to the normality we long for.
  • Let us use this time to create a rebirth of ideas of what Passover can be with our littlest loves. Embrace your creative spirit finding ways to reenergize all of your family: either with an outdoor scavenger hunt for the afikomen with guests you might normally have in your house; or a ZOOM sing along or puppet show; or even simply a new recipe that you have your youngest children help make or add a new ingredient of their choosing. Children crave traditions and are so excited to create new ones along the way. Use this as an opportunity to do just that!

We hope to see everyone in person soon, however for now we cannot wait to see all of you on ZOOM to wish you a Happy Pesach during our next Tikvah Tots Shabbat on Friday, March 26th at 6:30pm. Look for the link in the Weekly Update!

Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. (Og Mandino)

  • We have been keeping busy here at Temple Tikvah! Our Jewish Disabilities Shabbat Program was an inspiring event where we learned about how our differences make us all unique and special. Each of us wrote prayers to help us learn that it is okay to do things differently.
  • Our Tu B'Shevat Program had lots of laughs, as we celebrated the birthday of trees. We learned about all the special foods and why we eat them.
  • Our Drive-in-Movie Event was attended by many families and was great way to spend a chilly night!
  • We also enjoyed celebrating Purim. I truly enjoyed seeing so many smiling faces laughing and enjoying being together, although remotely. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Mishloach Manot Gift that was sent to them.
  • In March we will continue to have exciting events: On Sunday March 7th we will have a Parents Passover Event. Please remember to bring your questions and favorite recipes. • On March 13th there will be a Family Passover Event which will be followed by an Outdoor Havdallah Event (weather permitting.) • On March 20th we will have our regular Junior Congregation at 9:30am.



baby news!

Mazel tov!

To Debbie & Herb Hochrad on the birth of their Grandson, Master Benjamin Henry...He arrived on January 15th 2021...Benjamin's proud parents are Debbie & Herb's daughter, Sara & her husband, Dan.


To Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios on the birth of their Grandson, Master Adin Mordechai Kolios...He arrived on January 29th 2021...Celebrating this joyous event are Elaine & Anthony's son, Nicky & his wife, Nomi Kolios.


President - Phyllis Richards

If Winter Comes Can Spring Be Not Far Behind...Percy B. Shelley (1792 -1822)

  • At this time of year, as an avid gardener I am anxious for Spring’s arrival. On my frequent late winter walks I look about for signs of renewal. Already I can see little white puffs on the pussy willow trees and buds forming on the magnolia ones. If I look hard I can discern the larger trees’ branches coming alive with new vitality. I know that it is just a matter of a few weeks before the crocuses, minor bulbs, and daffodils will be pushing through the soil.
  • At this time of year as a Jew, I also look forward to Passover. Our ancestors sought a new life, leaving a dark period and seeking a brighter day. I always thought of this holiday as a new beginning. The coming of Spring and Passover are related in my mind. Both are harbingers of change, moving from darkness to light. As I am writing this during a snowy week my anticipation for change is magnified.
  • During this dark Covid-19 time Sisterhood had to change how it was to achieve its goal to work for the betterment of Temple Tikvah and Judaism. Covid-19 issues have compelled it to work differently. It has been confronted with working in a challenging space and we have risen to that challenge, finding unique ways to celebrate and to participate in Temple life. Sisterhood’s members are wonderful women who share clever ideas for activities and work to make them happen: Our 2021 Purim Celebration Event spread the joy of the holiday and raised funds. The Purim Greeting Card with its good wishes and unusual surprises was sent to the congregation and received by the time of this publication. • Our March 2nd Sisterhood General Meeting will be a Table Talk experience on ZOOM. Several breakout rooms will be arranged with specific topics to discuss. All those who respond can receive a black and white cookie to enjoy at our Virtual Oneg. • Our May 4th Sisterhood General Meeting will be a Scavenger Hunt. Our Year End Meeting will be a Paint Night. Will we be lucky enough to have it in person?
  • Look for more information regarding these and other events in the Weekly Update and emails from Sisterhood.

Chag Pesach Sameach & Happy Spring!


President - Marc Gold

Is It Spring Yet?

  • Cold and snow…what a yucky combination, unless you are a skier or love the cold and love to play in the snow. February is known as the snowiest month and sure enough we did get double digits of snow on February 1st!
  • Anyway…we have hope, since when you read this, pitchers and catchers will have reported to their teams. Thus, can the baseball season be far behind!?! You know, you cannot play baseball with that white stuff. So warmer weather is on the horizon.
  • During February, despite the cold and ice and snow, Brotherhood held a free raffle for a delicious Shabbat Dinner, courtesy of our Temple Caterer, Majestic Caterers and Bobby Leshansky. Congratulations to Fred Fleisher and Mark Daniels!
  • By the time you have read this…Brotherhood will have already completed its 2nd Trivia Night for its members. This event was something the boys could do together as a group on ZOOM during these trying times.
  • Now this month, get ready as Brotherhood will be very busy! Our Annual Pre-Passover Wine Sale to the entire Temple will be available in early March until Passover. Why not check out the menu of available wines in the Weekly Temple Update and buy a bottle or two. It is a Brotherhood Fundraiser, so we would be very appreciative if you did.
  • Along with that, once again Brotherhood will be selling Yom HaShoah Yellow Memorial Candles to the entire Temple Family. Buy a candle or two for $3 each in commemorating Yom HaShoah. See ordering details in early March in the Weekly Temple Updates.
  • And finally, Brotherhood will be delivering free challah to its members in mid-March. It is our way to simply say thanks, for being a Brotherhood Member. Details will follow soon.

BTW – Spring arrives on Saturday, March 20th!

lifelong learning

Meryl Root

On the 15th Day of Nisan, We Will Gather for Prayers, Rituals, Readings, and Songs

  • Lunch & Learn: On Saturday, March 20th we will meet on ZOOM at 11:00am for our next Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg and Congregant Lynn Beber for a session on Preparing for Passover: What to Read Beyond the Haggadah & What to Eat Beyond the Seder. With Pesach coming just one week after this Lunch & Learn, it seemed the perfect opportunity for Rabbi Sheinberg to introduce us to Mishkan HaSeder, the new Reform Haggadah which is organized in the same format as our prayer book, Mishkan T’filah. Rabbi Sheinberg will use the poetry in this new Haggadah to teach some of the Pesach themes.
  • Once we have worked up our appetites, Lynn Beber will inspire us with some non-traditional Pesach recipes of dishes to enjoy after the Seder. After all, we have to eat for the rest of the holiday. She will share a few creative and delicious recipes using alternative grains, interesting seasonings, and vegetables. Recipes will be available. Do not let the restrictions on chametz dampen your creativity. Bring your chef hats!
  • Interfaith Panel on End of Life Issues: Save the Date - On March 20th at 2:30pm via ZOOM, Rabbi Randy Sheinberg will be part of a panel to discuss End of Life Issues. All are welcome to join the audience. Look for details and links in the Weekly Update closer to the date.
  • Torah Study: Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We will finish Shemot or Exodus, mid-month and continue on with Vayikra, The Book of Leviticus, which emphasizes ritual, legal, and moral practices rather than beliefs. Please join us on the journey. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome. The ZOOM link will be published in the Weekly Update each week. We are always welcoming new participants.
  • Hyperlinks: All ZOOM information and links are available in the Weekly Updates.
  • Suggestions: If you have any suggestions for a presenter, a film or topic of interest that would be good for a Lifelong Learning Program, please feel free to email me at the LINK below and click on Community/Lifelong Learning.

Hag Pesach Sameach!

caring community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut

We cannot heal the world today. But we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, and an act of kindness. (Mary Davis)

  • The annual ritual of “spring cleaning” associated with Passover offers us a unique opportunity to examine our physical surroundings and our inner selves. Passover has a fun tradition that embodies this idea: it is called “the search for chametz.” Chametz means leavened bread. During Passover, we give up all leavened products, eating matzo instead of these “puffy” foods. The word matzo derives from the Hebrew term for “drain out,” and consists of just flour, salt, and oil. Chametz, however, includes all of the extras - yeast, sugar, eggs, etc. Giving up chametz and eating matzo helps us focus on the basics in our lives and reflect on our ongoing journeys from slavery to freedom. (
  • Referencing the above illustrates the season we are approaching and we realize that it is easier for some than for others. Thus, when you need an assist the Caring Community can be reached for a helping hand. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, via Temple’s Office.
  • Our Clubs are successfully continuing to meet on a regular monthly basis! The next Afternoon Book Club will meet on March 4th at 1:00pm via ZOOM to review Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo, and the Evening Book Club will meet on March 8th at 7:30pm via ZOOM to review Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado. The next Creative Writing Group Meeting will be on March 16th at 7:30pm via ZOOM. Please see the Weekly Congregational Email Blasts regarding information on how to access ZOOM for the above events. Everyone is welcome!

Each day try to: Be positive • Help someone feel happiness • Shine the light in the darkness • Express daily gratitude for something – even something very small • Meditate to create the feeling of safety, security, and freedom (

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

In March We Welcome Light and Rebirth

  • The light lasts longer, and rebirth comes as buds on trees and daffodils come up through the ground. Go to the RAC and any other Jewish or secular organization to act for the protection of the Earth. Go to the RAC and RAC/NY to learn of the social policies that Reform Judaism fights for!
  • This year RAC/NY has chosen to lobby our Representatives in Albany to pass the “Less is More Bill.”
  • New York State has approximately 35,000 people under active parole supervision. Many people are returned to prison for minor infractions of their parole terms. The number of people who ended their parole term in NY by being reincarcerated for a technical violation - without a new conviction – is almost double the national average. NYS sends 7,500 people a year back to prison for minor misconduct. Black people are incarcerated for minor technical parole violations at 12 times the rate of white people in New York City jails and 5 times the rate in New York State prisons.
  • Temple Tikvah is working with RAC-NY to support this bill. The action plan includes virtual lobbying sessions with your local legislators and RAC’s Racial Justice Virtual Rallies on March 1st and April 6th from 5:30pm to 6:00pm.
  • How can you help? - Attend an event. The links below will allow you to sign up for these events:
  • Please let us know if you sign up for any of these events so we can coordinate using the LINK below and click on Community/Social Action:
  • We plan to do as much as we can in the place where our actions mean the most. We will continue helping the hungry in our communities. We will continue supporting the INN and we will add the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network: a Community Supported Kosher Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. Contact to help fund Passover needs.

We hope that the vaccination process is moving along well by the end of March. Passover begins very early this year on March 28th. As we celebrate our freedom, let us be able to see a future day when we can celebrate freedom from fear of Covid-19.

with gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה

kol nidre

  • ANGEL • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Barbara Silberman
  • TZEDEKAH • Lorraine & Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTOR • Lynn & Jay Beber • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan • Anonymous • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRON  Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Justin Wax Jacobs Family – Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSOR  Helen & Bob Bader • Maureen & Steve Berman • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Roger Jassie & Cari Pepkin-Jassie • Judith & Joseph Kirschner • Debbie, Larry & David Klig • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Arlene Sheff & Family • Ruth Vincent-Sechechtman • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONOR • Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • The Diamond Family • Anonymous • Edythe Fastow • Sonia Fink • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Sharon Fricano • Ruth Friedlander • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Lori & Mark Gordon • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Susan & Andre Louis • Estelle Magidson & Family • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Phyllis Richards • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Barbara Rosenthal (IMO - Philip Kaplan) • Adam Lee Sabel • Burton & Susan Schall • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Felice Tarter • Anonymous • Leo & Jane Tujak • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Sandra Witt • Jeffrey Young • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANT  Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Muriel Gorochow • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Frances Lowenstein • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Mark & Robin Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Sandy Portnoy • Anonymous • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Jaynie Rudick • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Anonymous • Gerty Wolf • Laurence & Ari Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Howard & Gale Zeidman • Elaine Zipser


  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: • Sandy Portnoy in memory of Diane Shydlo
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Bea Halkiotis
  • SIMCAH FUND: Lynn Moser in honor of Debbie & Herb Hochrad on the birth of their grandson, Benjamin Henry • Nicole & Keith Taylor in honor of Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios on the birth of their grandson, Adin Mordechai Kolios • Elaine & Howard Weiss in honor Adin Mordechai Kolios, son of Nomi & Nicky Kolios and grandson of Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Sharon Adler in memory of Jacob Adler • Robert Bader in memory of Joseph Bader and Samuel Bader • Florence Baravarian in memory of Bernice F. Rosenberg • Maureen Berman in memory of Dorothy Maurer • Lorraine & Lester Bertan in memory of Mike Appel • Cindy & Joseph Bettelheim in memory of Etta Eisman • Henry W. Bloch in memory of Hilde Bloch • Brotherhood in memory of Ronald Mainzer • Doris Brown in memory of Ruth Hollander and Samuel Platt • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Malaka Stambouli • Beth Curcio in memory of Marissa Feldman • Mindy & Mark Daniels in memory of Gerard Daniels • Ruddy-Ann Friedman in memory of Sadie & Joseph Fertik, Martin Friedman, and Sarah & Louis Friedman • Sue & Bob Gelfand in memory of Esther Gelfand • Judith Gilbert in memory of Dr. Morton Klein • Lori Gordon in memory of Rosalind & Frank Lustig • Marc & Michele Gold in memory Rose & Abraham Cohen and Edith & Murray Reiss • Terrie & Lawrence Goldstein in memory Harold Newman • Muriel Gorochow in memory of Sabrina Grossman, Harold Gorochow, and Miriam Fetterman • Yvette Greiff in memory of Frank & Florence Blumenfeld • Dean Hernan in memory of Esther Rosen • Ronni & Charlie Hollander in memory of Dr. Arthur Holland, Julius Kirschbaum, and Alexander Warantz • Phyllis & Joe Horne in memory of Naomi Winter • Phyllis Jacoby in memory of Sylvia & Jerry Beatus • Carole Kaplan in memory of Edward Kaplan • Andrea & Doug King in memory of Deborah Abramson • Judy Kirschner in memory of Emil Rosenberg • Leslie Kizner in memory of Louis Kizner, Arthur Poselle, and Sol S. Poselle • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg in memory of Joel Kupferberg and Barbara Kupferberg • Sandra Lichtenstein in memory of Sharon Sue Lichtenstein • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in memory of Lori Schonfeld • Lisa Lupo in memory of Lewis Schneider • Lois Marcus in memory of Harry L. Pepper and Sadie Pepper • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Charlotte Gertrude Freedman • Norma Mauro in memory of Roslyn Berger • Lynn Moser in memory of Alla Okun • Dr. Joanne & Marty Neff in memory of Albert L. Neff and Simon Klempner • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory Ethel Brooks • Phyllis & Richard Ravens and Family in memory of Morris Barocas • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Cynthia Kronenberg in memory Max Einstein, Shirley Bach, and Alwine Einstein • Lorraine & Martin Ross in memory of Florence Rosenthal • Lois & Stuart Rubenstein in memory of Burton Schall • Susan Schall in memory of Jean & William Wald and Harry Schall • Marilyn Schwartz in memory of Yetta Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, and Nathan Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Max Birenbaum • Doris & Irving Silberman in memory of Evelyn Goodman • Matt & Nancy Spiegelman in memory of Jack Spiegelman • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of May Goldberg • Felice Tarter in memory of Fanny Mandell • Stuart & Judith Weinstock in memory Lotte Rosenfeld • Daniel & Carolyn Weissfeld in memory of Max Weissfeld • Joan Wiener in memory Stanley Wiener • Gale & Howard Zeidman in memory of Elaine Mindlin

in loving memory


*march calendar

  • TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd – Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:00pm & Sisterhood General Meeting/Special Event at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd – Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm & Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, MARCH 4th – Afternoon Book Club Meeting at 1:00pm; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm; and Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, MARCH 5th – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, MARCH 6th – Torah Study at 9:00am & Rebecca Domeny’s Bat Mitzvah at 10:15am
  • SUNDAY, MARCH 7th – Religious School at 9:30am & Passover Parent Event: Blessing of a Child at 9:45am
  • MONDAY, MARCH 8th - Evening Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10th - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, MARCH 11th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, MARCH 12th – Meditation at 6:45pm & Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, MARCH 13th – Torah Study at 9:00am; Benjamin Gries’ Bar Mitzvah at 10:15am; and Outdoor Family Passover & Havdalah Program at 4:00pm
  • SUNDAY, MARCH 14th – Religious School at 9:30am; Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:45am; Social Action Meeting at 10:30am; and Sisterhood Women’s Seder at 12:30pm
  • TUESDAY, MARCH 16th – Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, MARCH 18th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, MARCH 19th – Grades 4/5 Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, MARCH 20th - Torah Study at 9:00am; Junior Congregation at 9:30am; and Lunch & Learn at 11:00am and An Interfaith Panel on End of Life Issues with Dr. Bhadra Shah at 2:30pm
  • SUNDAY, MARCH 21st – Religious School Model Seder with Tikvah Tots at 9:30am
  • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, MARCH 25th – On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, MARCH 26th – Meditation at 6:45pm; Tikvah Tots Family Dessert Seder at 6:45pm; and Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, MARCH 27th – EREV PASSOVER - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • SUNDAY, MARCH 28th - RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSED through SATURDAY, APRIL 10th / Religious School Resumes on SUNDAY, APRIL 11th
  • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm




Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by ArtsyBee - "school learning graphic" • MabelAmber - "garden flowers trees" • Bessi - "flower lily lilium candidum" • Anrita1705 - "home office coffee computer"
