La Siguanaba Salvadorian folklore

la Siguanaba is an old Salvadorian folktale. Her legend goes to say that a woman, originally known as Sihuehuet (Beautiful woman) had romance with the son of the god Tlaloc which resulted in pregnancy. However, after the child was born she neglected him to go out and fulfill her sexual desires. When the god Tlaloc found out, He cursed her resulting in her changing into La Siguanaba (Horrible woman). The folktale goes to say that you can see her on the banks of rivers in El Salvador washing her clothes and looking for her son. She would seduce men who would seduce woman and boast about their conquests. From a distance, she appears beautiful but once you get close. She
would transform into an extremely ugly woman who upon sight of her you would either die of fear or if you survived, you would go into insanity.The legend says that she often appears to wanderers in the night, usually to men who seduce women and boast of their conquests. These men are bound to see her bathing using a golden bowl and golden comb, her body shimmering in the moonlight through her nightgown. In order to keep their souls safe from Siguanaba, it is said in some versions that men must bite on a metal cross and pray to God. If you happen to see a woman bathing in the river, and you’re not sure if it’s Siguanaba, you can yell, "No Te Vas a Ir Maria Pata de Gallina" three times. If it is Siguanaba, she will be frightened. If not, people will think you are crazy, but that’s better than being scared.
Created By
Brayan Duran

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