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2019 SCANPH Annual Report Where We've Been and Where We're Headed

Dear Friends & Allies:

SCANPH closed out this decade as a very different organization than where we started in 2010. But our values and commitment to affordable housing - and of course our members - have always remained the same. I’m proud to say that 2019 saw us continue to expand the impact of our work as we strive to become a more proactive advocacy partner and industry thought leader. And it must be said that our reach is empowered by the strength of our growing membership. We don’t take it lightly that you count on us to represent your interests, and it has been heartening to see participation in our work, events, and committees reach new heights. We're gratified that so many people in our community want to be part of the solution for our state’s housing and homelessness crises. The past year was also a period of transition for SCANPH, as three new staff members joined us in 2019, bringing new levels of experience in policy, political organizing, communications, membership management, and campaigns.

We remain grateful to the sponsors, foundations, board members, partners, and volunteers who make our work possible. Your support pushes us every day to strengthen industry knowledge, develop capacity-building programs, start new initiatives, and achieve favorable policies and funding to create a more aggressive development environment and by extension more units in the pipeline for low-income people.

2020 is a propitious start for us housers and we hope to see you on the front lines of our advocacy and programming so that collectively we all learn, connect, ideate, network, and improve together.


Mission: To facilitate development of affordable homes across Southern California by advancing effective public policies, sustainable financial resources, strong member organizations, and beneficial partnerships.
Serving Five Counties: Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange & Ventura

Thank you to our major supporters in 2019!

AARP, Abode Communities, Bank of America, Butler Family Fund, California Community Foundation, Capital One, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, CIT Bank, Citi Bank, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Community Corp. of Santa Monica, EMCF Foundation, Enterprise Community Partners, LA Community Development Authority, LISC LA / NEF, James Irvine Foundation, JP Morgan Chase, Pacific Western Bank, Parsons Foundation, Union Bank, US Bank, United Way of Greater LA, SoCalGas, Wells Fargo, and the Weingart Foundation

Board of Directors

We are grateful for the support and expertise of our very wise Board Members. We rely on them for governance, strategic planning, policy input, financial direction, staff support, fundraising, industry/committee expertise, and community relations.

Pictured: Welton Smith, Rachel Rosner, Tara Barauskas, Nicole Norori, Dana Trujillo, Alan Greenlee, Beulah Ku, Becky Dennison, Nina Dooley, Anne Friedrich, Jesse Slanksy; Not Pictured: Ed Holder, Jacqueline Waggoner, Takao Suzuki, Daniel Huynh, Nancy Conk, Bill Pavao, Isela Gracian, Alex Russell, and Joan Ling

Workshops & Programming:

Record Number of Attendees in 2019: 3,617

26 Events: Capacity-Building Workshops; Technical Assistance Training Seminars; Networking Nights; Advocacy Forums

SCANPH Hosts Our First Debate!

Affordable Housing Hot Topics

  • Inclusionary Housing: Is it a helpful policy?
  • Rent Control: Source of Tenant Relief and Protection or Housing Crisis Perpetrator?
  • State vs. Local Control
Thank you to our debate participants: Rick Jacobus, Principal, Street Level Advisors vs. Mott Smith, Co-Founder, Civic Enterprise; Becky Dennison, Executive Director, Venice Community Housing vs. Stuart Waldman, President, VICA State and Local Control; Anya Lawler, Western Center on Law & Poverty vs. Rick Cole, City Manager, Santa Monica

2019 Annual Conference: Highest Attended Event in Organization's History!

Southern California's Largest Affordable Housing Event

1500 Attendees Over Two Days of Content; 18 Workshops; 74 Exhibitors; Two Seminars & Bus Tour

Honoring Outstanding Industry Achievements!

2019 Ceremony & Reception: 10/24/2019

Mutli-Family Development of the Year: Rolland Curtis Gardens (Tied)

Abode Communities; TRUST South LA

Multi-Family Housing Development of the Year: Coronel Apartments (Tied)

Hollywood Community Housing Corporation

Developer of the Year:

Advocate of the Year: "Everyone In" Campaign from the United Way of Greater Los Angeles

Special Guest: Assembly Member Miguel Santiago

Staff Member of the Year: Maria Majczinger, CA Community Reinvestment Corporation

California Affordable Housing Leadership Institute Award:

Perla Eston, Principal, Inclusive Homes, Inc.

Houser's Hero Award: Mike Alvidrez, CEO Emeritus, Skid Row Housing Trust

Beyond LA Development of the Year: Rancho Verde

Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura

Senior Housing Development of the Year: Ybarra Village

Cesar Chavez Foundation

Transformative Communities Development of the Year: 88th & Vermont

Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge, & Services (WORKS)

Supportive Housing Development of the Year: Loma Linda Veterans' Village

Meta Housing Corporation; Housing Partners I

Rehabilitation Development of the Year: Casa Rita

Century Housing

Policy in Action: Regulatory Oversight

SCANPH alone serves as the collective voice of the affordable housing industry and its service providers, so we are a trusted voice on policy and regulations for public funding agencies as they administer their programs. Regulatory oversight, particularly implementation of funding, is so important because it creates certainty for our members, and as we strive for efficiency by aligning different resources, it ensures our members – primarily nonprofit developers – can count on requisite levels of political will to put these resources to work.

Issued 39 Comment and/or Support Letters in 2019: An Unprecedented Organizational Record

Strength in Committees

SCANPH always strives to incorporate the practitioner point of view in our regulatory and policy feedback, so we proactively seek opportunities to collect our members' perspectives through our committee framework and working groups. By delivering a collective voice when commenting and shaping the regulatory environment that impacts affordable housing development, we ensure the interests of SCANPH members are represented. Our various committees, particularly the policy committee, has focused on a slew of advocacy priorities and legislative proposals concerning policy implementation, holding legislators accountable to funding commitments, and the honing of regulatory policies.

Policy Committee Evaluated Hundreds of Bills in 2019!

In-District Visits with Elected Officials

27 Visits Across SCANPH's Five-County Region in 2019

The SCANPH team hit the road to visit legislators and make the case for supporting policies that enable the production, preservation, or financing of affordable housing.

New Partnership Highlights

  • State Treasurer's Office and the CA School Finance Authority on building affordable housing on community college land
  • County of San Bernardino: Collaboration on a PSH Summit in the Inland Empire
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: New Grantee focused on major advocacy initiatives
  • Article 34: Exploratory committee to analyze the repeal of this anachronistic feature of our state’s laws. Article 34 makes it more difficult to create low-income housing by subjecting construction to a public vote. SCANPH served as a co-sponsor of SCA 1 to repeal Article 34.
  • Educational programming specifically for City and County Officials in the five-county region to learn about affordable housing development.

Research Highlights

A higher than average proportion of students in the LA Community College District (LACCD) experience housing insecurity and homelessness, with 18.6 percent of LACCD students having experienced homelessness. In April 2019, SCANPH released a new report urging greater district prioritization of student housing needs amidst the state’s affordability crisis. The report explores the feasibility of developing on-campus housing for these students on underutilized district land. Published in partnership with contributors like UCLA’s cityLAB, the report presents site strategy analysis of three campuses to show the potential for developing affordable housing that integrates seamlessly with existing campus infrastructure.

The report concludes with a series of policy recommendations that present short and long term strategies to support underserved students whose educational advancement is hindered by housing challenges.

Salary Survey: In response to member feedback and many requests from leading nonprofit affordable housing developers, SCANPH created a survey to examine compensation across the nonprofit developer industry. Only nonprofit developer members that actually filled out the survey received a copy of the final report.

A New Members-Only Benefit for Nonprofit Developers!

All Aboard the SCANPH Board!

Four New Board Members Inducted in 2019

Denice Wint, EAH Housing; Lara Regus, Abode Communities; Joss Tillard-Gates, Enterprise Community Partners; Lesley Edwards, National CORE
Say hello!

The Full SCANPH Squad

Meet the Team

James, Blanca, Jeannette, Alan, Valerie, Frank, and Chris

What's Ahead in 2020:

  • 2020 Census Outreach Across Member Property Portfolios
  • Development of New Strategic Plan for the Next 3-5 Years
  • New Capacity-Building & Educational Programming
  • Roundtables in partnership with the State Treasurer's Office and Mayor Garcetti's Office to explore feasibility of on-campus affordable housing for community colleges
  • 2020 Campaign Work, Voter Education, and In-District Legislator Visits
  • SCANPH Conference: Oct. 15-16, 2020
Thank you for all your support!


Created with images by Simon Maage - "Signs of Gratitude" • Wil Stewart - "untitled image" • Benjamin Child - "Minimalist boardroom" • Cytonn Photography - "untitled image" • Lauren Sauder - "untitled image"
