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K1: What comes next?- In Talk4writing we have been working on prediction and what the story might be about? Learners in K1 have been open-minded and risk-takers as they try different strategies to retell the stories we have been exploring.
Y1: Authors and Illustrators at Work! - Students in English class were authors and illustrators. Learners worked together to brainstorm, write and illustrate a non-fiction book about apples. The book is now finished and will be proudly displayed in our book corner for everyone in class to read!
Y4: Reading out loud - Year 4 has been learning how to read out loud and present effectively through short plays. Pictured here is the group that performed ‘Around the Water Cycle’ by Sarah Wood and the script and images used as a backdrop. You can see the kids huddled down as they had just ‘rained down from a cloud to the ground.’ To the bottom right is the rubric the class used to guide this activity which included good: volume, clarity, timing and expressions.
Y7: Developing our communication skills - During our Sports Day the learners in Year 7 worked on developing their communication, critical thinking and cooperation skills to work together in each of the team sports that they were competing in. This was a very enjoyable day for all!

Student success: Natasha in Y9

Natasha is a very principled, balanced and caring learner. As part of one of her Language and Literature assignments Nathasa was able to create a wonderful eBook that documented different interests, hobbies and talents that she has. Below are just some examples of what she decided to include in her eBook. Well done Natasha! Your teachers are very proud of all of your hard work and dedication to learning.

EAL: How our houses are different

Our learners in Year 5 have been learning about different types of houses. We needed to use pictures to help us learn about the types of houses that we did not know. We chose two different houses and used a Venn diagram to identify what is the same and what is different about the two houses. We also watched some videos to help us compare two sets of information.

PSPE: Sports day was so much fun

Our learners had a chance to put into practice what they have been learning in PE throughout the term and showcase their sports skills during our Sports Day. Overall, we had a great morning full of fun and a lot of movements. The learners could show their learning profiles in many different situations, such as being open-minded and risk-takers during our Yoga/Gymnastics activities.
