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Delivering great experiences Thank you for meeting with us. Please scroll down for more information.

Mascaro installed the upper reservoir emergency shutoff gate for a Power Generating Station - Hydro Electric Plant. The new wheel gate is 107 feet tall. The work occurred over three fall outages. Check out the video for a time-lapse of this awesome project!

Let's talk safety

Building a Safety Culture

A consistent message of caring for yourself and fellow workers is the key. Reinforcement of the HSE processes through meetings and communications builds the culture onsite and within each employee. When employees see that Mascaro does what they say they are going to do, they begin to take an active role in the HSE process.

In order to ensure top management support and a consistent implementation of the health, safety, and environmental process, we created a continuous improvement process (CIP). Our CIP process is based on eight leading indicators. Each project team scores themselves and top management and provides a scorecard that is reviewed at the monthly project review meeting.

Subcontractors are required to comply with these Mascaro policies while working on Mascaro projects. Front line supervisors are responsible for monitoring and maintaining a positive commitment to safety within their crew. If a negative trend is developing, we will work with the supervisor to identify the underlying issues and provide recommendations and support.

How about that Ohio experience

Thank you for your interest in Mascaro.

For additional information please contact Bob Czerniewski, 412.260.5230.


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