
Platonic Lambda: Soul of the universe

Internet helps me to find quotes quickly without consulting books.

Google Books will locate source of book with page number where the quote is.

Google Images will locate flowers, trees, and famous people.

Where I like to learn? -- In Nature, beside a lake.


Vanishing Point Showing Platonic Lambda Image

Online Class-- mood.org


The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom, Part 3 (Paradiso)

Joy in Abundance: A Leap to the Sky

Part 2: Cavada's Internet Class (Dec. 9, 2017)

What you like to do?-- Learn app to compose "Birthday page" to inspire readers of famous people born on their birthday and quotes written on that day. Also inspiring events on that day.

What does it mean to be digital literate?

Be able to find quotes from authors in literature and articles from academic peer-reviewed journals.

Opened Book before Sunrise for an Open Mind

Tagline & Photo: "WisdomPortal to open our mind and heart" and Raphael's painting "Plato Pointing to the One"

Plato & Aristotle from Raphael's "School of Athens", Vatican Museum

This painting of "Plato & Aristotle" was in the display window of the American Brahmin Bookshop in downtown Ithaca (1968). When the proprietor Anthony Damiani locked up his bookshop, he saw me admiring it, he unlocked the bookshop, reached in and gave me the painting, saying "It's yours-- take good care of it."


Created with images by TheDigitalArtist - "egypt pyramid giza" • Philip Swinburn - "Creek in a valley" • Tigr - "Joy" • Comfreak - "book landscape nature" • Image Editor - "Plato and Aristotle"


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